Rogue Point

Rogue Point

What if it *wasn't* rougelite?
I know it's a presumptively big ask but...people are pretty burnt out on rougelikes...see, for example, Remnant II's failure. You made a real good linear narrative and we loved you for it, why not do it again?
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Who is burnt out on "rougelikes?"

Remnant 2 has nothing in common with this game.
I think the primary color scheme in their advertising is purple and green, not a light rouge.
Ace 11 Feb @ 6:40am 
Ah yes. Remnant 2's "failure"

Just won multiple awards, sold like hotcakes, and had a consistently good reception.

It also wasn't a roguelike. It was procedurally generated levels (With preset events) just like Diablo / PoE uses.

You either have never played an actual roguelike, or you don't know what roguelike really entails.

Binding of isaac is a roguelike.

Dead cells is a Roguelike.

Roboquest, Mothergunship, Risk of Rain, 30XX, these are roguelikes.

Roguelikes/lites aren't just about being high difficulty, it's the process of each death restarting you from the very beginning and having to work your way up through levels that vary quite a bit and each upgrade provides changes that can fundimentally shift your entire character build into a new playstyle. It's finding randomized upgrades that create synergies that the player has to work with in order to complete the game, usually unlocking more things to then run the game again.

Rem2 is "Dark souls with guns".

Originally posted by Street yogurt:
Who is burnt out on "rougelikes?"

Remnant 2 has nothing in common with this game.

People who don't know what they even are, apparently :Zaglol:

Then again from what I've heard this isn't even Roguelike in and of itself. The only "difference" is that enemies are standing in slightly different areas of the same exact maps, and the upgrades seem really incremental. "5%+ damage up" "10% faster crouch-walk" crap.
Last edited by Ace; 11 Feb @ 6:44am
Yeah, and nowadays a lot of people are experiencing deckbuilder fatigue, a lot of those games are roguelike so people think that the two genres are baked into each other.

In reality, fans of classic tactical shooters just want campaign-contained progression and to be thrown curveball challenges from time to time. The cooperative focus is huge because previous games just happened to include it rather than zeroing in on it. Roguelike suits a Rainbow Six / Ghost Recon game really well.
NedFlowers 24 Feb @ 10:21am 
Originally posted by Street yogurt:
Who is burnt out on "rougelikes?"

Remnant 2 has nothing in common with this game.
Ya I don't get it please give me a game with infinite replayability and incredibly fun coop shooter gameplay.
Really looking forward to this, got them friends to play with and hate pvp stuff.
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