Dragon Age™: The Veilguard

Dragon Age™: The Veilguard

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The price is quite low. I'm seriously considering buying this game to complete my Dragon Age collection. I never even pay attention to the story in ANY game anymore anyways. Is the GAMEPLAY at least decent?
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Showing 1-15 of 36 comments
humpers 27 Jan @ 4:02pm 
Originally posted by Alyzah:
The price is quite low. I'm seriously considering buying this game to complete my Dragon Age collection. I never even pay attention to the story in ANY game anymore anyways. Is the GAMEPLAY at least decent?

The gameplay is great imo. I played as a sword and board warrior and the hack and slash felt good and there was a lot of loot and build diversity. I also think it got better with time as more equipment and abilities got unlocked. I would recommend avoiding the taash missions tho theyre kinda annoying.
Last edited by humpers; 27 Jan @ 4:03pm
Should be 70% off in the next winter sale at this rate.
The gameplay does get stale after a while. I'd recommend taking frequent breaks otherwise the game feels like a chore.
YES, buy the game for the gameplay, it's SO much fun! That's why 100% of the discussion must be about the story.
XanapyXP 27 Jan @ 5:56pm 
not worth it bruh, game is cheeks
Elk 27 Jan @ 6:09pm 
Its the only dragon age I wasn't eager to play, I forgot to play it for a week, cause the gameplay was repetitive. I wanted to kill all my companions, the story was ehh, all your choices from previous games don't matter unless your Inquisitor was a female elf, that dated Solas. No real mention of others past heros, aside from the Inquisitor. IMO avoid this game, You fight the same enemy just in a different skin, and everyone is a health sponge.
No, it takes hours to kill mobs, companions do nothing, are unkillable and yet you have to tell them what to do constantly (if you want them to ever use any powers). Play it on easy and maybe its tolerable. It has a Gen Z script you won't make it past 20-30 hours if you force yourself.
DEREK 27 Jan @ 7:05pm 
How does one "collect" digital product licenses? :wuh:
Last edited by DEREK; 27 Jan @ 7:06pm
Sam87 27 Jan @ 7:47pm 
Originally posted by DEREK:
How does one "collect" digital product licenses? :wuh:

I will explain might help, so with a collection and digital license it starts off with ack ack ack ack, hope that helps.
Originally posted by Alyzah:
The price is quite low. I'm seriously considering buying this game to complete my Dragon Age collection. I never even pay attention to the story in ANY game anymore anyways. Is the GAMEPLAY at least decent?

Bought it at launch.
Loved what i played for the first 10 hours then fell off for a bit.
But i always do that with games anyway...... a new game comes along or i get busy with stuff.
I've just come back to it last week and am now 25 hours in and can't put it down.

The maps are so well made. Loads of places to unlock and explore and they look beautiful. The maps are characters in themselves each one has its own secrets.

Characters are all pretty fun. I have my favorite companions and i love their conversations with each other as i roam around.

Not sure about other classes by my rogue is awesome. I specialized in traps and bombs and have a grenade launcher as my ultra lol. I drop turrets. Thrown bombs. Buff my companions and prime their attacks. Its awesome.
Wait for 70% off :jorji:
Joxer 27 Jan @ 11:14pm 
40% off aint enough, at least 80-90% off and it might be worth it.
Spion 28 Jan @ 11:25am 
Originally posted by Alyzah:
The price is quite low. I'm seriously considering buying this game to complete my Dragon Age collection. I never even pay attention to the story in ANY game anymore anyways. Is the GAMEPLAY at least decent?

I do also want to complete my Dragon age collection but i will wait for atleast 80% im in no rush to buy it
Wait a little bit longer and you will get it for 10$ It's on sale every 2. week.
Originally posted by bongsan2010:
Should be 70% off in the next winter sale at this rate.
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Date Posted: 27 Jan @ 3:42pm
Posts: 36