Dragon Age™: The Veilguard

Dragon Age™: The Veilguard

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Raz 29 Jan @ 1:52pm
Game Engagement.
Call me crazy but these boards being set on fire probably has seen more player engagement and retention than the actual game itself. Between the stark Defenders and the smug Attackers.
Last edited by Raz; 29 Jan @ 2:26pm
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" Attackers " were right.
The denial is only on one side.
barzai (Banned) 29 Jan @ 2:00pm 
Interesting point. "No publicity is bad publicity," as I'm told they say in Hollywood.

And when you consider the (now somewhat tame by comparison) kerfuffle over a couple seconds of sideboob in a (at worst) PG-13 girl-on-Asari love scene in the original Mass Effect...who knows? Maybe EA/Bioware are happy! :steamhappy:
Raz 29 Jan @ 2:28pm 
Originally posted by Chara H Dreemurr:
" Attackers " were right.
The denial is only on one side.

That we were. It's as if we saw the writing on the wall.
So rumors of Edmonton closing are getting more and more substantial. And people said that was just crazy talk.
JayS86 30 Jan @ 1:55pm 
Although it is 100% true, the veterans of ME will be working on ME:4, them making a point to say it shows they're attempting to already make a broader faith-based statement. They did it to lay groundwork that ME:4 will somehow be different in comparison to the three straight wrecks we received from them. Hopefully they have opened their eyes to what makes a good RPG again, because what they've come up with detracted from the series as a whole and severely damaged faith in what this company can create.
Skill-up's review got more engagement than the actual game. 2.3 million views vs 1.5 million players. That's crazy for a Bioware game.

Originally posted by Wantoomany:
So rumors of Edmonton closing are getting more and more substantial. And people said that was just crazy talk.

I'm guessing that Bioware will have to prove to EA that they have a solid plan for the next Mass Effect, before they are allowed to hire for full production. They have a history of going into full production too early and wasting developer resources. Bioware is not closing yet, but this is their very last chance and they will have to nail the next Mass Effect.
Originally posted by StrangestEcho:
Skill-up's review got more engagement than the actual game. 2.3 million views vs 1.5 million players. That's crazy for a Bioware game.

Originally posted by Wantoomany:
So rumors of Edmonton closing are getting more and more substantial. And people said that was just crazy talk.

I'm guessing that Bioware will have to prove to EA that they have a solid plan for the next Mass Effect, before they are allowed to hire for full production. They have a history of going into full production too early and wasting developer resources. Bioware is not closing yet, but this is their very last chance and they will have to nail the next Mass Effect.

No need to hold your breath, the next Mass Effect will probably be DOA. You can fire as many devs as you want, but without addressing the systemic issues within the studio/industry that led to previous disasters like Andromeda/Anthem/Veilguard you're just going to end up with the same result.
Last edited by Mythophage; 30 Jan @ 4:03pm
Raz 30 Jan @ 5:25pm 
The next ME game hasn't even hit full production yet. It's still in pre-production phase. Ya know, the phase that is the easiest to cancel a game in. This is the other problem with BioWare because ME5 has been in Pre-Production for years at this point as well without making any ground.
Belmont 31 Jan @ 12:07am 
Originally posted by JayS86:
Although it is 100% true, the veterans of ME will be working on ME:4, them making a point to say it shows they're attempting to already make a broader faith-based statement. They did it to lay groundwork that ME:4 will somehow be different in comparison to the three straight wrecks we received from them. Hopefully they have opened their eyes to what makes a good RPG again, because what they've come up with detracted from the series as a whole and severely damaged faith in what this company can create.

If you think the next Mass Effect is actually going to happen, that's just as much denial as everyone else calling this game a "10/10" on release.

They've already started layoffs and downsizing. They've had 3 massive financial failures in a row now.

EA itself is now having its stock plummet, so the wallet is closing. Something I never thought I'd see happen as their microtransaction nonsense with their sports titles could've kept them going until the heat death of the universe, but the backlash against all this absolute garbage in the gaming industry is catching up with them. They won't have capital to give even a watered down, downsized Bioware.

Give it six months and the Edmonton office is going to be closed. Who knows what the fate of Austin will be. The taxes in Austin are probably less than Edmonton, though they probably lose out on certain tax breaks. One of the two is probably going to get shut down, or at least have the physical office shelved.

3 strikes and you're out. It's over. All we're waiting for is the actual announcement.
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Date Posted: 29 Jan @ 1:52pm
Posts: 10