UnderMine 2

UnderMine 2

RedSalamando 11 Apr, 2024 @ 9:08am
Doesn't look too much different?
I'll be honest, I 100%'d the first game and quite liked it for what it was, but looking at the trailer for this one makes it look like a DLC with a 2nd player.
It REALLY doesn't look that much different. Usually with Roguelites you want something along the lines of Isaac -> Isaac Rebirth in terms of mechanical changes, but this looks like some type of minor improvement with a lot of asset reuse.
For starters, the one thing that immediately put my off to this was towards the end of the little trailer, it had the *same* worm 1st boss as the previous game. And then I started to notice the little things. Same companions, same shops (with a different tileset at least), a good amount of the trailer didn't even show off any whacky item combos or even floors?

I have my doubts on this one. It may have been planned as a DLC that got too big for the first game and translated well as a second game, but overall it's a bit underwhelming. I'm sure there's some big twist to the game we haven't seen yet? It's a direct upgrade to the first game sure, but it also eliminates the reason to play the first game it looks.
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Mimiayako 12 Apr, 2024 @ 2:32am 
Thank you for eloquently bringing this up.

I was also wondering as to what really makes this a sequel. Apart from the Art splash, and the additional player character (yeah co-op) the trailer really didn't make me go "Wow, such improvement! I'll get this the moment it's out".

Hopefully, we'll be proven wrong once they drop a demo or something but I'm gonna pass.
NanBreadLoaf 13 Apr, 2024 @ 11:20am 
I mean, new playable characters, new story, new portraits, new enemies, a magic system, etc. Whether that's enough to justify the buy is subjective, but it's enough for me. Loved the first game.

Oh, and full mod support. That's a lot of back-end updates to the engine that has potential to add WAY more content.
Last edited by NanBreadLoaf; 13 Apr, 2024 @ 11:21am
RedSalamando 14 Apr, 2024 @ 10:03am 
Originally posted by NanBreadLoaf:
I mean, new playable characters, new story, new portraits, new enemies, a magic system, etc. Whether that's enough to justify the buy is subjective, but it's enough for me. Loved the first game.

Oh, and full mod support. That's a lot of back-end updates to the engine that has potential to add WAY more content.

I'll vouch for: 2p Mode, Enemies, and "magic system" (whatever that is). But those all just scream DLC. The rest are subjective to the gameplay. There was nothing restricting those from being added to the first game.
Main issue with the gameplay was that it devolved into Damage+ and Attackspeed+ spam, regardless of items found, and the only viable Familiar in any run on +10 or higher was the Slyph because of the way scaling worked, (And also meaning Slyph was blatantly OP on anything before 10 too) which was clearly an oversight on how strong Slyph is. I didn't look too much into it, but if you say there's a new "magic system" I hope it remedies that into there being, *looks at paper*, 2 viable builds.
The negatives to this can also be just more terrible items muddying the pool of Damage+ and Attack Speed+ things and further putting emphasis on Slyph if she does reappear again, which would also further prove my point of asset reuse.

The only excuse for rewriting the entire game was to un-spaghettify the code and add mod support, which is a + and - in itself. It's the indirect points that make it a negative: On one hand we could have gotten and entirely new game AND mod support, right? It just comes off as wanting the players to make the content for them.
I'll say it again: There doesn't look like (from a surface level perspective) there's any reason to go back to the first game.
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