Reus 2
Game balance direction changing after barrier reef update?
I've noticed that the new giant trial option shows that the game is going to be balanced around its specific settings of no free re-rolls and horizon draft. I'm just wondering if that's what upcoming mechanics and changes will revolve around now as the new intended way of playing.

Giant trial seems good as a way to explore new apex biotica that you wouldn't normally pick, but it also doesn't seem like it's very balanced for the game as it is now. I know it's completely optional, but horizon draft in general doesn't fit a lot of the scenarios and some of the leaders, especially those that want very specific biotica. The age of chivalry, for example, will likely never align with horizon draft draws. Sludge corp needs very focused strategies to three star it, and space race also needs more specialized apex drafts and usually more than 2 re-rolls.

I could just be setting myself up for a "git gud" comment, but I really enjoyed the previous game balance and had a lot of fun using the full draft. It seems like a shame to focus on horizon draft going forward.
Last edited by Zaho; 7 Aug @ 10:56pm
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AbbeyAdriaan  [developer] 9 Aug @ 2:10pm 
When it comes to balance, the Giant Trial does 2 things:

1. It makes the game more difficult, because you'll have a (much) harder time to force some builds. You need to be more creative to meet your goals.
2. It allows for differently scaling biotica. The best example is Foxglove. Foxglove is absolutely bonkers without the 4 draft maximum and if you can force pick other harmonies. But in Giant Trial, it's a high risk/high gain strategy, because you need to squeeze harder for its exponential growth.

What you're talking about is more of category 1. No worries: it doesn't affect the game balance too much from a creation standpoint. When you get more experienced with Reus 2, you'll find that all of the eras can be 3 star-ed with Giant Trial. The better you are, the less luck you'll need with your draw. We've seen it done by a big number of players right now. :)

What I mean with Giant Trial being the base of balance, has much more to do with the second point. That is, some biotica will be easier to break with less limitations.

I hope that answers your question!
Regarding Sludge Corp. I believe the answer to that question is, only pick sludge corp if you get some good food biotica like elephants or blue whales.

However with this design I often find myself ending on calm eras just because the era 3s are so specific. Additional eras would help a lot with this new style. So would third eras either having global effects (e.g. solarpunk makes biospheres a tradeable invention) or letting you pick which city is the focus from all that qualify.
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