I Am Your Beast

I Am Your Beast

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 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Strange Scaffold Xalavier  [developer] 9 Jun, 2024 @ 2:06pm
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1. Follow the Steam Terms of Service (no spam, etc.).
2. Talk about the game.
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5. Potential features proposed and discussed here are not necessarily canon, and we make no promises to deliver on bad ideas we (the developers) may exorcise into the void here.
6. This forum is actively moderated by experienced volunteers - please respect their judgement.
7. Rules subject to change, because growth is good.
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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
Rick SAVAGE 11 Jun, 2024 @ 9:51pm 
It's a really great game:)but I hope the time system can be more freedom ,I think it's kinda so short that u can't really enjoy the game
Rick SAVAGE 11 Jun, 2024 @ 9:53pm 
also,I hope there can join in the Chinese in the final version:needy_heart::needy_heart::needy_heart: much luv:)
toastercleaner 15 Jun, 2024 @ 12:01am 
please create and pin a separate topic for feedback and demo impressions!!

wishlisted! the art direction and voice acting are superb. i love protagonist's laid-back attitude and "he's just like me fr"-ness, other VAs are great too. can't make any strong judgments about combat, given the amount of content, but, it seems tree climbing is a bit awkward. in Round the twists dropping down from the tube landing on the enemy doesn't work every other time, probably a Collider issue.
also, personally, default music volume is too loud. And, since the action unravels against a backdrop of woods, i believe the music could have more organic instrumentation, especially with percussion, whereas the current soundtrack is heavily electronic. what would be really really cool is dynamic stem-based music system :steamthumbsup:
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