I Am Your Beast

I Am Your Beast

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It's a big shame game forces you to listen to the story
Story "cutscenes" should be optional, I just want to press "next" after completing a level and play.
And if I want to play challenges I again need to complete story levels to unlock them.
It would be fine if levels was 5-10 minutes long, and maybe they are later, which I doubt and for now it feels like it's 50% listening which is weird decision.
Originally posted by Vali Riversong:
The game is an arcade styled time trial game by nature, so it wants you to continue playing the levels over and over to perfect your time. Additionally the challenges are something you'd usually do to seek out better and higher times, such as explosive or wasp kills as those give great time boosts, but it would be nice if these could be completed on the first run of a mission, rather than needing to replay it.
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Violet❤ 26 Jan @ 10:44am 
I don't think you're meant to play a level once and then immediately go to the next one. You're encouraged to at least play them a few times to try to go for a S rank.

Originally posted by Fartin' Futa King:
And if I want to play challenges I again need to complete story levels to unlock them.
You can immediately jump to any level as soon as you have played it at least once.
The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic.
The game is an arcade styled time trial game by nature, so it wants you to continue playing the levels over and over to perfect your time. Additionally the challenges are something you'd usually do to seek out better and higher times, such as explosive or wasp kills as those give great time boosts, but it would be nice if these could be completed on the first run of a mission, rather than needing to replay it.
Originally posted by Vali Riversong:
The game is an arcade styled time trial game by nature, so it wants you to continue playing the levels over and over to perfect your time. Additionally the challenges are something you'd usually do to seek out better and higher times, such as explosive or wasp kills as those give great time boosts, but it would be nice if these could be completed on the first run of a mission, rather than needing to replay it.
I understand that. But I prefer to master everything after. I personally went Ultrakill S rank on different difficulties after I completed game "story wise", but I got the idea.
awwh man cmon there's some funny bits in those cutscenes
Originally posted by Friedrich Bär:
awwh man cmon there's some funny bits in those cutscenes
Well, I agree, but I already paid the money for the game. Like what's the point, if I ever interested that much I can listen to them later, but whatever.
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