I Am Your Beast

I Am Your Beast

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[Idea] Rush Mode
I think this game would really be enjoyable if there was a "Rush mode" option, basically playing all levels (of a single campaign) in a row with a global timer accross all of them. So kinda a RTA speedrun mode. It's a nice addition to an already excellent game.

This would be extremely comfortable, because there won't be any menuing and you're just chaining levels seamlessly. As the levels are short, I think it's makes quite a lot of sense. Also of course you'd be allowed to die and retry in the current level, but the global timer won't pause.

I'm saying this from a perspective of someone who did basically everything, and attempted some speedruns (with my own strats) for fun. Then I realized about the Rush/Speedrun mode.

Thanks for reading, have a good day!