I Am Your Beast

I Am Your Beast

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Cozy 27 Jan @ 12:23pm
How Do I Get No Enemies Killed in Impolite Dispute
Every time I reach the first objective the explosion kills the guy standing next to it regardless if I touch him or not, and it fails the objective. Is there something I'm not understanding here or is this a bug? Cause it feels like a bug.
Last edited by Cozy; 27 Jan @ 12:25pm
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Cozy 27 Jan @ 12:35pm 
Also how am I supposed to get 5 bear trap kills in Midnight Trails when you're only given four, the AI deliberately stays out of the way of the traps and I tried kicking them into the ones already placed and nothing happened.
JAG 27 Jan @ 1:40pm 
1) Simply let them come closer to you. Wait behind some cover.
2) There are five bear traps. One is hidden in a corner of the map. Use the minimap to find it.
poopcock 28 Jan @ 8:56am 
For the bear traps i just throw them on the enemy for the kill instead of placing on ground, alot easier :)
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