Jumplight Odyssey

Jumplight Odyssey

Kerry 12 JUN a las 2:55
So... I might know a way to get this game back on track.
As everyone who's played knows, this game is based on Space Battleship Yamato/Star Blazers.

Anyone know who currently owns the rights to that IP? I'm thinking a licensing deal could result in the appropriate cash inflow.
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I see a little bit of Star Trek and Star Wars in this game as well.
Kerry 12 JUN a las 11:20 
Publicado originalmente por Alpha_Prime1987:
I see a little bit of Star Trek and Star Wars in this game as well.

True, but there's much more Space Battleship Yamato/Star Blazers involved. The Catalina is clearly inspired by the Yamato/Argo. The uniform designs of your crew are clearly based on the uniforms of the Earth Defense Force in the 1980s version of SBY/Star Blazers and that of the United Nations Cosmo Navy in the modern remake.

As for enemies, the big gun the Zootopians fire at Pleiades in the opening cutscene is clearly based on the Desslok/Dessler Cannon, a Gamilaas/Gamilon copy of the Wave Motion Gun. And the big bad himself, whose name I forget, is clearly based on Zwordar/Zordar, the big bad of the Comet Empire arc of Space Battleship Yamato/Star Blazers.

Not to mention the ship designs of the Zootopians is clearly inspired by the Gamilon/Gamilaas empire's ships in SBY.

Approaching the Leji Matsumoto estate and/or the current rights holder of the SBY/Star Blazers IP for a licensing deal could result in just the investment LoG needs to complete the game.

Plus it could also open up a way for the actual Yamato/Argo to show up in-game as a playable ship! And who among us wouldn't like that?!
Última edición por Kerry; 17 JUN a las 10:22
LADYJAYEE73 30 JUN a las 22:13 
i also saw a retro feel to the MACROSS Saga of ROBOTECH on a very limited level. I could see a very strong influence from not only FTL but also an Original BattleStar Galactica vip, especially since you can scramble fighters. I am a huge fan of Armello too, I also GM the STARBLAZER ADVENTURES from the FATE RPG system. I really hope this game gets lots of development. I am so frustrated seeing games that are so amazing, and then flop before their time. So on a shoestring budget I bought it, I really hope this can get back on track.

I also have started a very rules light RPG style with dice based off JUMPLIGHT ODDESSY and some other movies, TV that I thought might be alot of fun to try and see what could work.

Well I hope you can get a deal made, I really think with the right people and passion this game could really get some really amazing addons and enhancements taking the game further and I wish I was able to program. This is a great concept.
kharaa 3 JUL a las 2:15 
it's an interesting idea, get another franchise to fund the game, change things over to make it part of the IP. It's a decent idea. If I had the cash i'd invest to finish it.

I don't know why LoG doesn't run a kickstarter, a lot of games (some have been ultra sucessful) have had to run 2nd and 3rd rounds of funding.
Dr. Fynn 12 JUL a las 8:59 
Publicado originalmente por kharaa:
it's an interesting idea, get another franchise to fund the game, change things over to make it part of the IP. It's a decent idea. If I had the cash i'd invest to finish it.

I don't know why LoG doesn't run a kickstarter, a lot of games (some have been ultra sucessful) have had to run 2nd and 3rd rounds of funding.
i could answer that, but then they'd probably ban me
kharaa 12 JUL a las 22:33 
Publicado originalmente por Dr. Fynn:
Publicado originalmente por kharaa:
it's an interesting idea, get another franchise to fund the game, change things over to make it part of the IP. It's a decent idea. If I had the cash i'd invest to finish it.

I don't know why LoG doesn't run a kickstarter, a lot of games (some have been ultra sucessful) have had to run 2nd and 3rd rounds of funding.
i could answer that, but then they'd probably ban me

I can see that someone did respond to me, but the comment was deleted. =/
I wouldn't bet on these devs pulling their head out of their ass and doing anything right any time soon.
tank16365 27 JUL a las 13:38 
You know what would get the game on track? Mods!
It doesn't even have to be workshop. I'm literally SHOCKED that in the year that this game came out there's been no mods. There's games that have been out a week that have hundreds of mods, but nobody wanted to touch this.

I made a few posts here, and many conversations when I was a member of the official discord but they were saying how modding unity is incredibly difficult, and they would have to release a bunch of tools and stuff for people by people who don't work there anymore and......I mean if thats true thats what it is but every unity game I've ever played has a billion mods so it cant be that hard, and many of them aren't steam games or have no workshop but still have nexus mods and whatnot. I don't know if you need the "keys" to someones game to mod it or whatever I just find it sad.

Give me a endless mode or something. I've beat the game like 9 times and it's totally worth what I payed for it but damn people, give us some mods!!
Kerry 10 AGO a las 0:38 
Publicado originalmente por kharaa:
it's an interesting idea, get another franchise to fund the game, change things over to make it part of the IP. It's a decent idea. If I had the cash i'd invest to finish it.

Thanks for saying so, I know it's been a while since this topic came up. Why hasn't anyone suggested this to the actual devs? I'm sure they'd agree.

If any developers or the community manager are still out there (Trent? You there?) perhaps they could chime in on why this hasn't been done or at least considered.
Publicado originalmente por Kerry:
Publicado originalmente por kharaa:
it's an interesting idea, get another franchise to fund the game, change things over to make it part of the IP. It's a decent idea. If I had the cash i'd invest to finish it.

Thanks for saying so, I know it's been a while since this topic came up. Why hasn't anyone suggested this to the actual devs? I'm sure they'd agree.

If any developers or the community manager are still out there (Trent? You there?) perhaps they could chime in on why this hasn't been done or at least considered.

Because the actual devs can't be bothered, that's why. I've reached out to them myself and got nothing but the cold shoulder.
0-0-Bram 13 AGO a las 17:43 
The actual dev team for this game were let go. Nothing is happening unless someone invests.
Kerry 13 AGO a las 22:58 
Publicado originalmente por 0-0-Bram:
The actual dev team for this game were let go. Nothing is happening unless someone invests.

That's why I'm trying to suggest a possible investor and/or group of investors in the Matsumoto estate and/or whoever controls the rights to Space Battleship Yamato/Star Blazers.
Kerry 13 AGO a las 23:00 
Publicado originalmente por MetalBeowulf89:
Publicado originalmente por Kerry:

Thanks for saying so, I know it's been a while since this topic came up. Why hasn't anyone suggested this to the actual devs? I'm sure they'd agree.

If any developers or the community manager are still out there (Trent? You there?) perhaps they could chime in on why this hasn't been done or at least considered.

Because the actual devs can't be bothered, that's why. I've reached out to them myself and got nothing but the cold shoulder.

Do these League of Geeks guys have an email address or something I could use to reach out to them myself? (Not Discord, I refuse to go on that platform again.)
Publicado originalmente por Kerry:
Publicado originalmente por MetalBeowulf89:

Because the actual devs can't be bothered, that's why. I've reached out to them myself and got nothing but the cold shoulder.

Do these League of Geeks guys have an email address or something I could use to reach out to them myself? (Not Discord, I refuse to go on that platform again.)

Yeah, they've got an email, and a page on X/Twitter where I've reached out to them, but they basically ignore messages in the order in which they're received.
Kerry 17 SEP a las 21:37 
Publicado originalmente por MetalBeowulf89:
Publicado originalmente por Kerry:

Do these League of Geeks guys have an email address or something I could use to reach out to them myself? (Not Discord, I refuse to go on that platform again.)

Yeah, they've got an email, and a page on X/Twitter where I've reached out to them, but they basically ignore messages in the order in which they're received.

What's the address/twitter page? Let me give it a try.
Última edición por Kerry; 17 SEP a las 21:38
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