Jumplight Odyssey

Jumplight Odyssey

ANIME tag could be blocking store visibility
I was trying to find this game and struggling to remember the name of it.
Steam was coming back with nothing but then i found it on google on steam but i still couldn't see it on my installed steam client.
Then I realised that, because I have blocked the anime tag due to the sheer amount of complete filth that is also tagged as such, my preferences were stopping it appearing.

Anyway, I see the game is in limbo so will avoid but as their are obviously issues it may be worth noting, devs, that I am sure I am not alone in blocking the Anime tag for these reasons and so you may be missing out on potential sales by using it.

No offence to any people inclined toward such filth but I have young kids who occasionally use my account and I can't be having that.
Would be far better if Valve were more proactive in this regard but they don't care where the cash comes from as long as it comes in right.