Moon Mystery

Moon Mystery

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Please remove "Hold Space to skip" text during cutscenes
I find it immersion-breaking to have permanent text on every cutscene prompting me to skip it. Maybe it would be better if I press a button on a keyboard, then the text should appear prompting to skip? But please not during the entire cutscene.
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Showing 1-2 of 2 comments
mikimiki1  [developer] 28 Dec, 2024 @ 12:55pm 
Originally posted by Fresh Prince of Dead Air:
I find it immersion-breaking to have permanent text on every cutscene prompting me to skip it. Maybe it would be better if I press a button on a keyboard, then the text should appear prompting to skip? But please not during the entire cutscene.

Good idea, noting it down
minus 29 Dec, 2024 @ 10:08am 
In my case, when prompted where to press the spacebar, no key works, not even ESC.
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