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i dont understand why they wont do anything about cheaters
figured id give it another go with the new season. people arent even trying to hide the cheats anymore. everyone is pre-firing, hard aiming through walls, insane snapping. i get snapped to and oneshot out of the air several times in a row. ive tried this game twice in the past two months and it takes me more time to download it than the time i actually play it. about 2-3 matches to see that the cheating is as bad as ever and i uninstall again. now im completely removing it from my library. such a waste of a game ruined by cheaters.
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Showing 1-13 of 13 comments
Quibbly 29 Jan @ 10:21am 
Ran into a few on day one. Guys are shooting through walls like it's New Year Eve.
75 and 2 for scores, and notice all hackers say "Get good"
Just try season 2 after month break - party of rage cheaters in first game,thank u i pass this ♥♥♥♥ :D
JmZ-x- 29 Jan @ 12:31pm 
Yep - I thought so too.
Noticed a significant problem with this season - but they disabled crossplay for consoles & pc, optional for console players.
If that's how they treat PC players - let console opt out of playing with us but do nothing about the cheats, best to stop giving them money.
This behavior ruins the game
Think it time to buy a PS5
so I thought it was funny on how many complaints about cheaters there was. I got 1 per night if that.
Until cross player was turn off last night. every lobby there now at least 4 per match if not nearly the lobbies full of cheaters. I block them only to find them in the next match with me. OK I known the block is for comms mute only. but we already have a button for that it the mute button. the block should be to stop me playing with cheaters. or at least have it that there name will me red in the lobby or some symbol next to their name to give me a change to jump out the lobby if I wanted to. I cant remember 200 names. especially if they are in a different type.
the next thing if this Anti cheat system was working why it not banning them. they doing so blat on that I blind person could pick it or some one that never played the game. the thing is they know nothing is going to happen to them.
Originally posted by The Pitbull:
Think it time to buy a PS5
so I thought it was funny on how many complaints about cheaters there was. I got 1 per night if that.
Until cross player was turn off last night. every lobby there now at least 4 per match if not nearly the lobbies full of cheaters. I block them only to find them in the next match with me. OK I known the block is for comms mute only. but we already have a button for that it the mute button. the block should be to stop me playing with cheaters. or at least have it that there name will me red in the lobby or some symbol next to their name to give me a change to jump out the lobby if I wanted to. I cant remember 200 names. especially if they are in a different type.
the next thing if this Anti cheat system was working why it not banning them. they doing so blat on that I blind person could pick it or some one that never played the game. the thing is they know nothing is going to happen to them.
i just bought a ps5 today. its like night and day. its like your not even playing the same game. one of my friends is on xbox so we played 'console only' ranked warzone. not one time did i think i died unfairly. and all those people that you suspect are cheating but everyone plays them off as sweats, they dont exist. its clear when you play pc then immediately go to ps5 that the ratio of cheaters on pc is actually more like 1 in 5.
Moon 29 Jan @ 8:11pm 
Super obvious cheaters are mostly on pc, but the less obvious ones are always kiddies on consoles running cronus or whatever that thing is.

The main sort of cheat most people are running pc or console is recoil related ones, lotta people just laser beam me where as my recoil is beyond cooked no matter what i do..
Quibbly 30 Jan @ 9:32am 
I don't think people cheat, you just have terrible skills
nrod125 30 Jan @ 12:21pm 
Originally posted by reticent.rem:
Originally posted by The Pitbull:
Think it time to buy a PS5
so I thought it was funny on how many complaints about cheaters there was. I got 1 per night if that.
Until cross player was turn off last night. every lobby there now at least 4 per match if not nearly the lobbies full of cheaters. I block them only to find them in the next match with me. OK I known the block is for comms mute only. but we already have a button for that it the mute button. the block should be to stop me playing with cheaters. or at least have it that there name will me red in the lobby or some symbol next to their name to give me a change to jump out the lobby if I wanted to. I cant remember 200 names. especially if they are in a different type.
the next thing if this Anti cheat system was working why it not banning them. they doing so blat on that I blind person could pick it or some one that never played the game. the thing is they know nothing is going to happen to them.
i just bought a ps5 today. its like night and day. its like your not even playing the same game. one of my friends is on xbox so we played 'console only' ranked warzone. not one time did i think i died unfairly. and all those people that you suspect are cheating but everyone plays them off as sweats, they dont exist. its clear when you play pc then immediately go to ps5 that the ratio of cheaters on pc is actually more like 1 in 5.

Good to read/hear this feedback. Yea - it seems like the powers that be have left PC players behind.
Originally posted by reticent.rem:
Originally posted by The Pitbull:
Think it time to buy a PS5
so I thought it was funny on how many complaints about cheaters there was. I got 1 per night if that.
Until cross player was turn off last night. every lobby there now at least 4 per match if not nearly the lobbies full of cheaters. I block them only to find them in the next match with me. OK I known the block is for comms mute only. but we already have a button for that it the mute button. the block should be to stop me playing with cheaters. or at least have it that there name will me red in the lobby or some symbol next to their name to give me a change to jump out the lobby if I wanted to. I cant remember 200 names. especially if they are in a different type.
the next thing if this Anti cheat system was working why it not banning them. they doing so blat on that I blind person could pick it or some one that never played the game. the thing is they know nothing is going to happen to them.
i just bought a ps5 today. its like night and day. its like your not even playing the same game. one of my friends is on xbox so we played 'console only' ranked warzone. not one time did i think i died unfairly. and all those people that you suspect are cheating but everyone plays them off as sweats, they dont exist. its clear when you play pc then immediately go to ps5 that the ratio of cheaters on pc is actually more like 1 in 5.

that is so good to hear that you are now enjoying the game so much more. just one question how about the bugs are they the same, worst and less than PC
I switch 10 years ago to PC. love gaming from my very first game monkey island because my parents would not buy any strong killing games. my first time I knew this was going to be my social life was cod 1. so yes I stay loyal to cod because this if my social life. from cod 1 to cold war I ranked in the 10 and was getting 100s of friends and squad invites to not even being on the 250 leader board. OK i know i am a little slower these days but not that slow. so yes I am getting a console back and seeing if cross play off helps my standing.
Originally posted by Quibbly:
I don't think people cheat, you just have terrible skills
Found the kid who asked for a Cronus for Christmas
Originally posted by Biscuits:
Originally posted by Quibbly:
I don't think people cheat, you just have terrible skills
Found the kid who asked for a Cronus for Christmas

your right just looked at his profile got a game ban on it. yeah we all know what that is for don't we. why would he put a comment like that we can see that he is a cheater.
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Date Posted: 28 Jan @ 4:00pm
Posts: 13