Call of Duty®

Call of Duty®

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Well I waited this long thinking they would fix the game
But no, they still have not. The game is full of bugs, the latency issues are the most egregious and pretty much kill the game for me. It's a coin toss if I end up on a good server, all due to MMR matchmaking me in the UK because of the fact that some randoms have the same arbitrary number as I do. I'm so sick of this kind of matchmaking, it's really disgusting how I have to play against the sweatiest mofos alive just for winning a few matches in a row a few days ago.
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Quibbly 29 Jan @ 6:06pm 
The devs lie on beta, go live, season 1, now season2. Each time, we will fix the cheating. Clickbait for more sales.
Originally posted by Quibbly:
The devs lie on beta, go live, season 1, now season2. Each time, we will fix the cheating. Clickbait for more sales.
I'm just upset cause this game is super fun underneath all the cheating, bad mmr and bugs, shame they don't let these games really fly.
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Date Posted: 29 Jan @ 3:44pm
Posts: 2