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Game won't open after Season 2 update
I know the issue is caused by the update because the night before I was camo grinding on the Jackal.
Ever since the update every time I try to launch the game I get the error code Failed to match driver digest index (0). I've tried the Rangrid.sys dupe in a separate drive, I've uninstalled and reinstalled BO6, Steam and AMD Adrenaline all for nothing. I've verified game files, nothing. I've set my antivirus and my firewall to allow COD under any circumstances, and still nothing.
This happens every time there's an update, but it would usually just fix itself after a day or two but my game still won't open with the exact same error code. I've spent money on this game so obviously I want to be able to play it, but my friends want this issue figured out more than me so we can run the new zombies map. If anyone has any idea about a solution please let me know as soon as possible. Much appreciated.
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Report the bug on your actvi account
same sh!t with mine, its been happening since the update to the anticheat (supposedly). however, it did work long enough to take my $30 for blackcell. so thats pretty sweet!!!
same problem here
rplowden 30 Jan @ 10:50am 
I can't get past trying to connect to online services. I played last night after the update, but today it just sticks on the connection screen.
I have the same problems :-(
iridian 2 Feb @ 10:00am 
Finally found a solution no thanks to Activision support, don't know if this will work for the rest of your but it fixed my problem. Best of luck
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Date Posted: 30 Jan @ 9:04am
Posts: 6