Yami RPG Editor

Yami RPG Editor

Chenet 27 Nov, 2023 @ 9:45am
Bug on mac
Hello Yami,
I can't type with my keyboard: period, comma, or a negative value (-1) macOS Sonoma 14.1.1
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Showing 1-15 of 15 comments
Ezhelit 27 Nov, 2023 @ 2:07pm 
The project is abandoned
Mr. Von Grimmsy 27 Nov, 2023 @ 4:01pm 
Originally posted by Chenet:
Hello Yami,
I can't type with my keyboard: period, comma, or a negative value (-1) macOS Sonoma 14.1.1
Hi, Chenet! I'll let him know! :p03:

Originally posted by Ezhelit:
The project is abandoned
Hey again, Ezhelit! I don't think 'abandoned' is the correct term here, in all fairness - the engine is feature-complete.

I can't really speak to Yami's future intentions with it obviously, but I believe he has done everything (or at least 90%+) of what he set out to do with it. (...I'd count the API as that missing 10%, at best)

Should he decide to be done working on it, it is his right to do so, even if it is to the chagrin of the rest of us. I wish I could provide more info/assistance, but like I've said elsewhere - I'm in the same boat as everyone else here. :stimulation:
Chenet 28 Nov, 2023 @ 3:15am 
Thank you Mr. Von Grimmsy, because this bug makes this software a brick. I really like this software which is very elegant and well designed. But we often get lost in submenus that I find unnecessarily complicated. After five or six windows of interaction, we are lost when everything could be contained in a single, much more educational window. I'm not sure I can use it and I find it a bit dramatic since it's aimed at a non-coding audience. What is especially missing are tutorials to explain certain somewhat complicated aspects and the experience that must be acquired. the video series or game is in Chinese with an English voice, it's not a good entry point ;). I know you volunteered to continue making videos. To conclude, I don't know who this software is for, and that's the problem. I sincerely hope that this beautiful software will be saved.
thusky 28 Nov, 2023 @ 9:53am 
Originally posted by Mr. Von Grimmsy:
Originally posted by Chenet:
Hello Yami,
I can't type with my keyboard: period, comma, or a negative value (-1) macOS Sonoma 14.1.1
Hi, Chenet! I'll let him know! :p03:

Originally posted by Ezhelit:
The project is abandoned
Hey again, Ezhelit! I don't think 'abandoned' is the correct term here, in all fairness - the engine is feature-complete.

I can't really speak to Yami's future intentions with it obviously, but I believe he has done everything (or at least 90%+) of what he set out to do with it. (...I'd count the API as that missing 10%, at best)

Should he decide to be done working on it, it is his right to do so, even if it is to the chagrin of the rest of us. I wish I could provide more info/assistance, but like I've said elsewhere - I'm in the same boat as everyone else here. :stimulation:

Out of topic of me to mention this but has the API been completely documented yet? I asked Yami a while back if I could potentially make a Diablo clone with this engine, quoting every point (in particular the UI), Yami told me back then I'd have to code 100% (thus removing a bit of the "ease of access" his engine provides).

By UI I mean merely a Health bar that would look like Diablo 2, a spell binding mechanism like Diablo 2, etc. I'm really mentioning a 1/1 clone here. I guess we don't have much contact with Yami as it happens he is quite busy most of the time, since you share his voice as much as you can I figured maybe you'd have some insight though.

The only reason I'm pointing this out is because Diablo is mentioned in the store page of the engine. At least it used to be, didn't check for quite some time now.
Last edited by thusky; 28 Nov, 2023 @ 9:55am
Chenet 30 Nov, 2023 @ 2:26am 
Originally posted by Ezhelit:

I'm happy for you that the API is enough for you, really.
(don't post off topic it gets confusing)
Mr. Von Grimmsy 1 Dec, 2023 @ 1:16am 
Originally posted by Chenet:
Thank you Mr. Von Grimmsy, because this bug makes this software a brick. I really like this software which is very elegant and well designed. But we often get lost in submenus that I find unnecessarily complicated. After five or six windows of interaction, we are lost when everything could be contained in a single, much more educational window. I'm not sure I can use it and I find it a bit dramatic since it's aimed at a non-coding audience. What is especially missing are tutorials to explain certain somewhat complicated aspects and the experience that must be acquired. the video series or game is in Chinese with an English voice, it's not a good entry point ;). I know you volunteered to continue making videos. To conclude, I don't know who this software is for, and that's the problem. I sincerely hope that this beautiful software will be saved.

Hi again, Chenet!

In my estimation, this software isn't pointed at beginners per se, but more so at those that have already cut their teeth on similar 'easy development' engines; such as the various RPG Maker engines. I'd assume that any allusion to being such was probably a misstep on Yami's behalf.

And yes, I've made several videos explaining - step by step - how to achieve certain results with Yami's engine; yet even the 'voice over' videos can be a valuable resource, provided you follow along with them. I know it's not the best entry point, but besides videos I've figured out how to do a lot of different things in the engine, just by poking around within the template's events and dissecting them to figure out why they work the way they do! I'd recommend you (and others) do the same. :p03:

Originally posted by thusky:
Out of topic of me to mention this but has the API been completely documented yet? I asked Yami a while back if I could potentially make a Diablo clone with this engine, quoting every point (in particular the UI), Yami told me back then I'd have to code 100% (thus removing a bit of the "ease of access" his engine provides).

By UI I mean merely a Health bar that would look like Diablo 2, a spell binding mechanism like Diablo 2, etc. I'm really mentioning a 1/1 clone here. I guess we don't have much contact with Yami as it happens he is quite busy most of the time, since you share his voice as much as you can I figured maybe you'd have some insight though.

The only reason I'm pointing this out is because Diablo is mentioned in the store page of the engine. At least it used to be, didn't check for quite some time now.
The last time I corresponded with Yami via email - a few weeks to a month ago (give or take) - he was working on finishing up the API along with the pop-up tooltips. Since then, only one of those things has manifested in a round of semi-recent updates that he pushed... So in short (too late -_-), no API just yet.

And unfortunately, I'll say see the response above yours in regards to 'ease of access'; I believe all of the processes involved are 'easy' for Yami - seeing as he coded them - so his claim of 'ease of access' was made sincerely from his point of view. Again, this and the above are merely my assumptions based on what I've seen.

As for mentioning Diablo in some capacity, it is regarded as an 'action RPG' here in China, and elements of the template 'ARPG' could be seen as an 'RPG' with 'action' elements, such as real-time combat. I'd assume (again, since I'm only slightly more informed than the rest of you here) that's what he meant by that comparison. (Also, doing such 'health globes' would likely be doable if you fiddled with the UI elements enough, I'd have to check)
Look, I'll level with everyone here - I know about as much as all of you do about when and how things are going to released.

One thing I do know, is that Yami had a family emergency last summer - he had a falling out with his dad, and was kicked out of the house by him. Obviously, that shook things up for him and whatever plans he may have had with anything else.

Prior to that, he was quick on getting back to me with email, and we corresponded quite a bit in regards to the engine, its future, and different features that he had promised that needed to be looked at. (...and as an aside - I take my role as a moderator seriously, and as such, I combed the forums for suggestions to bring to him)

Yet lately, I get long silences between emails if/when I get a response at all. He once mentioned that he hasn't earned enough off of publishing the engine for it to be a viable investment of time and energy. He also mentioned wanting to get into game development, as he believes he may have more luck there.

So take that for what it's worth; I can understand if the guy is in dire straits and needs to make a quick buck to keep on living, and I can also understand why he might want to turn away from this whole endeavor, when he feels like he poured so much into it to receive such a small return. But again, I'm only speculating.

I know it doesn't look great right now - I cannot speak to the future of the engine, but he has not said that it is finished. I wish I came bearing better news, but this is all I have to share at the moment! :stimulation:
Last edited by Mr. Von Grimmsy; 1 Dec, 2023 @ 1:19am
Chenet 5 Dec, 2023 @ 8:03pm 
Thank you for this long answer, it's difficult to think that such a talented person would be caught up in this way by life. Thank you for your presence here. Maybe I'll come and ask a few questions sometime.
Mr. Von Grimmsy 5 Dec, 2023 @ 10:23pm 
Originally posted by Chenet:
Thank you for this long answer, it's difficult to think that such a talented person would be caught up in this way by life. Thank you for your presence here. Maybe I'll come and ask a few questions sometime.
Oh, certainly - I just wish I could've been providing better news, is all! :stimulation:

But feel free to ask any questions whenever you want, I'll do my best to provide any input that I'm able to! :p03:
thusky 6 Dec, 2023 @ 7:57am 
Thanks for the thorough answer!
Mr. Von Grimmsy 6 Dec, 2023 @ 3:17pm 
Originally posted by thusky:
Thanks for the thorough answer!
No problem, I just want you guys to know what's going on with this whole thing - I'm big on transparency. :p03:

If you ever have any other questions regarding the engine, let me know and I'll do what I can to assist! :steamthumbsup:
abv.isj 16 Dec, 2023 @ 11:11pm 
Originally posted by thusky:
By UI I mean merely a Health bar that would look like Diablo 2...

I'm not familiar with the Diablo series, but I took a quick peek at what the health interface in this game looks like. If the question is about health globes, then doing it on Yami is quite simple. You need to use a circular mask and a progress bar rotated 90 degrees. How the mask is applied can be seen in the save game UI.
Mr. Von Grimmsy 17 Dec, 2023 @ 12:31am 
Originally posted by abv.isj:
...If the question is about health globes, then doing it on Yami is quite simple. You need to use a circular mask and a progress bar rotated 90 degrees. How the mask is applied can be seen in the save game UI.
Thanks a lot for adding this, I knew it would be done with a mask, but never got back to answering - sorry for that, thusky! :stimulation:
ZenArtemis 12 Jan @ 11:45am 
It looks like this engine has been abandoned, or at least it's not getting the support people who bought it deserve. It would be nice of Yami if he could make it open source at least. It's a very good engine and It't a shame for it to discontinued.
Originally posted by ZenArtemis:
It looks like this engine has been abandoned, or at least it's not getting the support people who bought it deserve. It would be nice of Yami if he could make it open source at least. It's a very good engine and It't a shame for it to discontinued.
Yeah, I think you're right, tbh - and while Yami hasn't made any statements on it, I think his silence on the matter speaks loudly enough.

I've continually emailed him, and have yet to hear anything back at all. So he's either in a bad situation, or - more likely - has decided to write this project off due to the reasons explained above.

I'll email again and ask about the open source thing, but given his lack of communication I wouldn't bank on any real outcome to it. :MoonlighterAngry:

Sorry, guys. I wish I could provide more help, or assist in some way, but even as a moderator I'm in the same boat with the rest of you! :stimulation:
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