Torchlight: Infinite

Torchlight: Infinite

Lack of new skills is really hurting replay value
I play this in my off time when PoE gets stale. I have over 600 hours with dozens of characters, but the skills are just so lacking. Melee skills are too generic, ranged skills almost exclusively require a bow, or gun.
Dernière modification de lewis_sai92; 2 sept. à 14h11
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lewis_sai92 a écrit :
I play this in my off time when PoE gets stale. I have over 600 hours with dozens of characters, but the skills are just so lacking. Melee skills are too generic, ranged skills almost exclusively require a bow, or gun.
game is stale, and never will have nice replay value. as POE players this game is a waiting lobby for us and destroy all content without even trying
I definitely agree we need more skills but this game is still, relatively speaking, in it's early stages and I know many games like this that are now considered incredible, were bland and garnered alot of the same criticism when they were this new. It just comes down to how long the team can stay dedicated to it before someone over their heads pulls the plug.
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