Pax Dei

Pax Dei

Where can I find an Exorcist Cantor in Merrie?
Where in Merrie can you find this Exorcist Cantor? I didn't find any in the Gael region near the castles near the quarry. Supposedly there is one.
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DonGato 15 Aug @ 4:05am 
They roam solo in the forests in the wildlands. Just check a few forest areas right outside your starter zone. Kite them with bow, easy kill...they will usually shoot one fireball and then try to run up to you and drop their AoE on the ground, just backpedal shooting arrows until he gets close., you will see him start to cast his AoE...sprint out of it and continue backpedal shooting arrows. Usually dies quick in about 7-8 Iron tipped arrows using Basic Longbow.
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