XCOM: Enemy Unknown

XCOM: Enemy Unknown

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SamBC 9 Aug, 2015 @ 8:44am
Windows 10 Issues
Some users are experiencing problems with the game (and indeed lots of other games) after upgrading to Windows 10. The following steps have resolved it for most users:

Make sure you have the most up to date drivers available from the GPU maker. This means Intel, AMD or nVidia, not your system OEM. OEMs are rarely up to date with the drivers they provide.

Check that Windows hasn't mysteriously made parts of your user folder ("My documents" etc) read-only, for mysterious and unexplained reasons.

Either uninstall and reinstall the game, or verify game files.

Make sure the executable is not set to any compatibility mode, or run as administrator. If that doesn't work, try enabling those options instead (but they shouldn't be necessary).

Some people have reported needing to run one or more of the redists that come with the game affected (such as a vc redist); you may have to select a 'repair' option when you run them.
Last edited by SamBC; 31 May, 2016 @ 5:33am
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Showing 1-15 of 744 comments
Auger 30 Jul, 2015 @ 12:45pm 
windows 10
has any one else had any trouble getting thier game to launch after upgrading to windows 10 i try and it just keeps going back to the activation screen worked fine before i upgraded so i know it is a compatability issue just hopeing some one has a fix it would suck if i can play the game on the new os
SamBC 30 Jul, 2015 @ 12:47pm 
Try verifying game files.

There are problems on some systems, I'm sure, but on most it works fine - but sometimes you have to verify game files in Steam.
facciola007 30 Jul, 2015 @ 1:25pm 
^^ Helped me, thanks
TokeyMcBongRip 30 Jul, 2015 @ 4:14pm 
did not help me anyone have a work around? this sucks i knew i shouldnt have jumped on windows 10 yet....

alienware 17, windows 10 pro, i7 , 32 gigs ram , amd radeon r9 m290x with 4 gigs ddr5 ram
Last edited by TokeyMcBongRip; 30 Jul, 2015 @ 4:17pm
TokeyMcBongRip 30 Jul, 2015 @ 4:36pm 
help windows 10
hello i stupidly upgraded to windows 10 and now i can no longer play xcom...... i have windows 10 pro, and i have tried verifying the game cache. that didnt solve the problem for me. does anyone have a work around to get this game working again? i already tried run in admin mode and also windows 8 compatibility and still no luck.
Lkn4truth 30 Jul, 2015 @ 4:58pm 
I'm having the same issue. I updated my drivers for Windows 10 and I get the Enemy Unknown and Enemy Within start options but neither one will launch. Is there a video settings file that can be deleted so it will forget the old settings and try to set up again?
Cpt Pinnop 30 Jul, 2015 @ 5:17pm 
Greeting to you i had the same problem when i upgraded to win 10 all i did was uninstalled xcom and reinstalled it
Mhblis 30 Jul, 2015 @ 6:09pm 
Try what they did in the other threads. They removed local files and then reinstalled form scratch. this seems to be the most consistent fix.
Lkn4truth 30 Jul, 2015 @ 7:08pm 
I've uninstalled and reinstalled and made progress. The game now launches and I hear the sound of the game but the screen blacks out and won't display. The video drivers are updated but still not working yet.
Lkn4truth 30 Jul, 2015 @ 8:15pm 
So after verifying the game files and turning the fullscreen option to false, rebooting, then turning it back to true I can now get the game to launch and play full screen but for some reason now the video is all choppy and not smoth like it use to be running the same hardwear. :(
Last edited by Lkn4truth; 30 Jul, 2015 @ 8:15pm
Toenails10 30 Jul, 2015 @ 9:11pm 
thanks for the heads up, i will certainly not be using windows 10 for quite a while.
xcom is too good to lose!
radi5 31 Jul, 2015 @ 1:57am 
I had the same problem. For me solution was checking local files for errors (in german :"Spieldateien auf Fehler überprüfen") in properties menue of the game. Two files has been identified as suspect and reloaded from server. Afterwards everything went fine. May be it helps you as well.
Filipe 31 Jul, 2015 @ 4:03am 
After Windows 10 update, mouse buttons on "Enemy Within" don't work... But works well on "Enemy Unknown".
Filipe 31 Jul, 2015 @ 4:17am 
Originally posted by frst:
After Windows 10 update, mouse buttons on "Enemy Within" don't work... But works well on "Enemy Unknown".

I solve my issue puting "XComGame.exe" in compatibility mode to Windows 7.
diseptikon 31 Jul, 2015 @ 2:40pm 
Post Windows 10 Upgrade XCOM EU wont launch
Upgraded my system to Win 10 today and both The Bureau and EU will not launch. Anyone else running into this?
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