XCOM: Enemy Unknown

XCOM: Enemy Unknown

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Editing Soldiers
So, I got that rare trooper, a Sniper, who hit 150 Will and Psi! But, somehow, I was sleepy and picked "snapshot" instead of Squad Sight. And didn't notice until it was too late to load a save (obviously, way too late.)

So, is there an easy way to edit your troopers? Just asking.
Last edited by Centurion; 27 Jan @ 9:05pm
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You should be able to use the console to add/remove perks in Battlescape.

The syntax should be something like this:

Adding Perk:
Giveperk ePerk_SquadSight
Remove Perk:
Giveperk -ePerk_SnapShot

That should in theory give SS and remove Snapshot. You would likely have to remove first being that they are on the same line in the tree. To be safe move the target solider out of evac zone when executing commands.

If that doesn't work you might need to use the array number for perks instead of the actual name.
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