XCOM: Enemy Unknown

XCOM: Enemy Unknown

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Tom 28 Jan @ 5:55am
What did they update?
It doesnt say on the community page
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it was probably a steam update and not a game update
I can't say with absolute technical precision, but as was speculated months ago, steams own back-end copy-protection/validation system was borked as a consequence of removing the launcher.

At least that would be consistent with methods that involve bypassing steam verification, in this case GoG executables working to resolve the issue for me personally.

I'm starting to really dislike steam on the basis that it is really just a digital prison for your games. You don't own anything outside of steam and you can't even control updates for games you "own". In this case, you are hopelessly dependent on steams software to even play games at all.

If only GoG had a healthier list of products, actual game communities and a website/forum that doesn't actually suck major balls.
yup, it is working for me. i added a new NVIDIA app and restarted and it started to work. I wonder if that had anything to do with it.
Originally posted by spaceweezle:
I can't say with absolute technical precision, but as was speculated months ago, steams own back-end copy-protection/validation system was borked as a consequence of removing the launcher.

At least that would be consistent with methods that involve bypassing steam verification, in this case GoG executables working to resolve the issue for me personally.

I'm starting to really dislike steam on the basis that it is really just a digital prison for your games. You don't own anything outside of steam and you can't even control updates for games you "own". In this case, you are hopelessly dependent on steams software to even play games at all.

If only GoG had a healthier list of products, actual game communities and a website/forum that doesn't actually suck major balls.
The launcher removal had nothing to do with the issue. How can I say that? Because the issue first started being reported in October and the launcher was removed in November. Also, this game didn't use the launcher. Also, games released by other publishers (As in Not 2K) also had this issue.

This was a steam issue, and it appears Steam has finally fixed it.
Originally posted by MajorLeeHyper:
Originally posted by spaceweezle:
I can't say with absolute technical precision, but as was speculated months ago, steams own back-end copy-protection/validation system was borked as a consequence of removing the launcher.

At least that would be consistent with methods that involve bypassing steam verification, in this case GoG executables working to resolve the issue for me personally.

I'm starting to really dislike steam on the basis that it is really just a digital prison for your games. You don't own anything outside of steam and you can't even control updates for games you "own". In this case, you are hopelessly dependent on steams software to even play games at all.

If only GoG had a healthier list of products, actual game communities and a website/forum that doesn't actually suck major balls.
The launcher removal had nothing to do with the issue. How can I say that? Because the issue first started being reported in October and the launcher was removed in November. Also, this game didn't use the launcher. Also, games released by other publishers (As in Not 2K) also had this issue.

This was a steam issue, and it appears Steam has finally fixed it.

I did say it was a steam back-end issue. Whether or not it was launcher related is anyone's guess. Obviously a change on steams end.

Apparently they didn't fix it for everyone. If they did people wouldn't be resorting to running GoG executables.
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