Out of Ore

Out of Ore

Night time FPS drop
Hey guys,

Is anyone else having a massive FPS drop during night time ops? I'm going from a solid 60 to anywhere between 20-40 FPS.

Or does anyone know how to fix it? It has only just started. Is it a build limit? Or the lights coming on at night? If anyone experiences this, or has a fix, please let me know.

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arcturus 29 Jan @ 9:11am 
If you have a lot of placeable lights, that is the culprit. In one mine, I installed a ton of lights, because I wanted to mine at night to have the mine dark and "undergroundy". After switching to nighttime, my PC nearly left the floor because the cooling fans went from zero to holy crap, Batman!
After that, it was back to daytime mining :-)
Happy digging. /ARC
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