Out of Ore

Out of Ore

ML 29 Jan @ 2:14am
Capacity Bug?
is there a bug or a misunderstanding on my side?
Rock Truck Arvik HT400E is shown with 320m³
Loader Arvik L2335 is shown with 26,5 m³
= around 12 loadings

But if i fill the rock truck is is full after 3-4 loadings (with max overload) what is a big difference....
So are there wrong parameters about the capacity or did they get handled wrong by the game code?

Thanks in advance
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arcturus 29 Jan @ 9:08am 
The capacity is still a bit wonky and needs to be ironed out. At the top of my head, I can't remember if the visual glitch is on the rocktruck or the loader. My money is on the rocktruck, though. Hope it helps :-) Happy digging. /ARC
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