Out of Ore

Out of Ore

Excavator Controls
Am i the only one having difficulties with the excavator controls?

i using a controller.

mostly i strugge with the arm controls on the dual sticks... that are either active bei the left of the right shoulder button

wether is the boom, the arm, or the curlin in/out ..... one of the axis is always interfering the another axis leading the unwanted movement...

making it imposible to make any precision movement to scoop something up...

do you have any tips how to setup the controls for this ?
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
JBuzz 30 Jan @ 11:46am 
try making the dead zone a little bigger. This way small movements dont overlap
Ultimoron 30 Jan @ 12:23pm 
thanks i will try,..
Djozar 31 Jan @ 1:06pm 
It might take some playing around with those settings a little to tailor them to your liking. It almost felt like a mini-game when I had to do the same thing. Well worth it though in the long-run. Since there's nothing to "beat" in this simulator, take the time to get everything down to the lighting to your tastes.
Worth-It 6 Feb @ 11:53am 
i went in a changed my key bindings to were i can control the excavator with just the sticks, no shoulder buttons needed. also changed moving th camera to a rb and right stick function. and to drive i just use my key board wasd, go in and play with the key binds and find what works best for you.
Woozie 7 Feb @ 1:24am 
Throwing my 2c in just in case anyone else comes here, I swapped from Mouse + KB to to Joystick and KB for controls and set the joystick up so its easy and smooth to use bucket, arm and boom. Still have to tweak dead bands and different function sensitivities but once you get it right, its good fun.

Highly recommend using joystick with this game, even if its just an old cheap one.. All modern heavy earth moving machinery uses joysticks in real life.. Just makes sense doesn't it.
Originally posted by Ultimoron:
Am i the only one having difficulties with the excavator controls?

i using a controller.

mostly i strugge with the arm controls on the dual sticks... that are either active bei the left of the right shoulder button

wether is the boom, the arm, or the curlin in/out ..... one of the axis is always interfering the another axis leading the unwanted movement...

making it imposible to make any precision movement to scoop something up...

do you have any tips how to setup the controls for this ?

This was an issue that was talked about on a live stream. Controller players should be getting some better controls here soon ish
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