Out of Ore

Out of Ore

Lagging Problem :(
I just bought the game and loving it so far, but i got a bit of a lagging problem, its completly random and every time i got a lag spike i notis my gpu usage is dropping from around 46 % to 0 % and then a second later it jumps back to around 46 % :( i turned all graphics settings down to the lowest possible and the resulution all the way down to try to fix the problem but with no luck
Enyone got the same problem? or is it somthing on my end there is wrong :)
Last edited by OdieJunior; 31 Jan @ 12:39am
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yeah HUGE mem leak when cutting into the earth,, :(
mine keeps lagging even standing still, every other second i get a lag spike and my gpu usage drops from 46% to 0 then back up to 46% :( makes the game almost unplayable :(
i get it while digging aswell
for med it just magicaly dissarperred, dident change a thing, but now theres no lag at all, 60fps all the way, very strange
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