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Saw Launcher is *trash*
I hate how it follows where you're aiming, it's gimmicky and annoying and... well, it just plainly sucks, it's by far the worst weapon. Please change it to literally anything else

To be more specific: the saws clutter up everything in the screen, making you unable to see enemies and projectiles properly in all the noise... you never really know when they're going to disappear, because no human can keep track of which saw is which, and which ones were shrapnel from the enemy you just killed or the last enemy you killed, so you can't properly use them to defend yourself with any consistency. I could be wrong, but they don't seem to work at all with the perk ricochet, which, if they did, would probably make them much better (maybe check this, dev? people keep saying to use ricochet, and I can't seem to see it land on anything, it plays a ping and nothing happens, but maybe I just haven't noticed it working). You can make the saws extremely strong, melt bosses in moments, but once enemies start coming constantly in the last 5 minutes, you basically have to just rotate your saws in a circle around yourself and hope it just kinda works out. It's trash. It's such trash. It's not fun, it looks terrible to watch, it feels terrible to play. Please change this POS weapon.
Last edited by stunlord; 28 Jul @ 6:38pm
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Showing 1-11 of 11 comments
stunlord 26 Jul @ 2:15pm 
Maybe it could bounce off of enemies? Or it could dig into them and do damage over time, hitting other enemies nearby? Or just..... literally anything but "it follows wherever you're aiming"
FoxxyDoe 27 Jul @ 10:42am 
especially if you use a controller, it certainly needs help, it will be the last gun i get achievement for.
I personally agree that it feels like ass, but I think it is far from the worst weapon in the game. I think that honor goes to the knife.

If you just want to get the saw launcher out of the way, then trash any of the 'gimmick' upgrades. Focus on specifically getting ricochet, shrapnel, and multishot. At that rate the game just ends up playing itself. You'll be doing about 10-15 damage a saw, sure, but there will be about 20 on screen at all times and this scales well with things like shock and bleed.

The largest fault of the saw launcher, in my opinion, is that it lacks any of the 'punch' most other weapons have, at least in terms of 'feel'. Most weapons, when you hit the peak of a build, typically have some associative feel. Most melee weapons make you feel like you've just cleaved half the screen into mist, most generic bullet weapons make you feel like a walking maelstrom of screen shake and ballistic impact, so on and so forth. But the Buzzsaw lacks any sort of visual feedback that makes it even remotely fun. It's just the AFK gun.

I think it'd probably be better if it was a Melee weapon, maybe a chainsaw or a controllable spinning blade like Ludivico from Isaac or something. As it stands now it's just the limpest feeling gun imo.
stunlord 27 Jul @ 11:51am 
The knife???? Have to strongly disagree there, all the melee weapons are so hilariously overtuned and broken once you get past level 15 or so, certainly by level 20, 25, your attacks are literally filling the screen... maybe that's just the upgrades I always take, but, yeah, melee is broken in the opposite way. Too easy

Ricochet did not do anything with the saw launcher when I played, it does not makes saws richochet off of guys, and even though a ricochet bullet ping plays, no enemy took damage at any point.... I tested it repeatedly... are you thinking of shrapnel? I did take shrapnel, which works normally. When I try saw launcher again I'm going to go hard into the stuff I don't normally take, like plasma, stuff that will give me extra projectiles beyond the saws
Last edited by stunlord; 27 Jul @ 1:19pm
stunlord 27 Jul @ 5:14pm 
Beat every single weapon first try except handgun and minigun, and now I've failed saw launcher twice. Every other weapon, first try. Game is generally too easy, but, jesus, that saw launcher is complete garbage. It doesn't even feel like you're playing the same game, it's so jank and completely different from the rest of the weapons. Plus ricochet does nothing with it, and ricochet is one of the strongest and most broken perks (and there are a lot of brokenly strong perks)
Max 28 Jul @ 2:44am 
Want damage? Use the fact that each saw can hit multiple enemies before despawning, it benefits from ricochet top path, bulk rounds bottom path and charged rounds "spark charge" upgrade.

Want huge saws? Bulk rounds top path, ricochet either path, shrapnel bottom path. If you disable autofire, swiftness bottom path's "magnetic rounds" and psych trail bottom path help too. Quick draw top path also increases size, and shield either path.

Want lots of saws? Shrapnel base upgrade already creates swarms, top path can increase their damage and the last upgrade "death row" spawns even more.

The weapon perks are strong too, you can increase the duration by 1 second, get even bigger swarms or give a 100% chance of charged rounds etc.

You can have swarms of huge and highly damaging saws, I think it's one of the strongest weapons.
stunlord 28 Jul @ 12:51pm 
It doesn't matter if they're weak or strong, the mechanic that they follow your aim is complete garbage, it's unlike anything else in the game (edit: except for Singularity, a perk I despise for the same reason), gimmicky, un-fun, confusing, distracting, and I wish it didn't exist. I hate it. haha

Also, people keep saying ricochet, but ricochet literally doesn't seem to do anything in my game with saw launcher, I've tried it for several minutes to see if I could see it kill a single enemy, it never happened. I don't think it's doing anything, or it always ricochets to something out of my vision, every single time, and never kills anything (or at least not that I can tell, visually, or from listening to audio cues)
Last edited by stunlord; 28 Jul @ 12:53pm
DotNL 29 Jul @ 3:55am 
with my build the game is a complete joke with any weapon, after 2 minutes I can just stand still and with this weapon i can literally go afk and win.
dudes, its really good get shrapnel and some bullet size increases and u can just do lawn mowing basically
stunlord 29 Jul @ 12:02pm 
Yes, and the more shrapnel and bullet size increases, the more the entire screen is completely obscured, making you get hit from things you couldn't even see
Hunkry 27 Aug @ 3:16pm 
Originally posted by stunlord:
It doesn't matter if they're weak or strong, the mechanic that they follow your aim is complete garbage, it's unlike anything else in the game (edit: except for Singularity, a perk I despise for the same reason), gimmicky, un-fun, confusing, distracting, and I wish it didn't exist. I hate it. haha

Also, people keep saying ricochet, but ricochet literally doesn't seem to do anything in my game with saw launcher, I've tried it for several minutes to see if I could see it kill a single enemy, it never happened. I don't think it's doing anything, or it always ricochets to something out of my vision, every single time, and never kills anything (or at least not that I can tell, visually, or from listening to audio cues)
So, I think people are saying ricochet (and pierce) not because they actually work as the text advertises, but because the saws have infinite pierce by default so the extra damage you get from those trees are very powerful.

TLDR: You cant actually ricochet but you can get the scaling from each 'ricochet' a saw triggers
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