The Witcher: Enhanced Edition

The Witcher: Enhanced Edition

Darek871 8 Aug @ 11:40am
Are you hesitant about playing this game?
So yes there are much worse games but this first part could have been a very very good RPG but there you have it, too many things are botched or quite poorly inspired :

- the fights are very poorly balanced, very easy or very very very hard
- the combat system is poorly thought out : click, click, click, and die of boredom
- the different cogs of the story are poorly adapted to the quests and are often lost sometimes in the confusion
- transitions or sequences are very often done in a brutal and choppy manner on the screen : a quest can end without you being able to save, the game goes directly to a video then puts you directly back into the game in full fight among enemies, in short you die in 2 seconds...
- many stage transitions are without sound or music, in short it's not really finished
- lots of bugs here and there...
- a botched ending where you can't really finish the game and talk to your friends to "debrief", you have to content yourself with following an incomprehensible "(very) short film" then you are sent back to the menu, basta, finished!
- typos in dialogues and French translations
etc., etc .....

If you really want to do the whole saga, go for it because there are much worse games but be aware that certain moments/quests are very hard to finish and that you really have to persevere for a long time and die 20 times before understanding how you get out of it... It should be noted that I had a big bug at one point : no main mission available and it was impossible to continue the story, it took me hours to redo all the steps just before and talk to everyone only to realize that I had skipped a dialogue which seemed very trivial and useless to me (because there are a lot of them), and to restart the main quest in the menu. I searched so much everywhere that I thought the game was finished and that I had to move on to the 2nd game.

And I know that I'm forgetting a lot of negative points that take you out of the game, personally I finished it to finish it (and I didn't come close to succeeding) out of curiosity and not out of desire. I'll do 2 after a very long break from much better games. I know that many will not have the same opinion, but opinions are personal, mine is what is and only concerns me as yours only concerns you.

The main thing is to have several bells ringing for those who are hesitant.
If it can help even one person who was expecting a very great game then this OP will have been useful. Others, there's no point wasting your time writing various insults, I won't read them. It was nothing ! Time is precious !

Good luck and thank you for reading me.
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Showing 1-15 of 29 comments
Pure opinion. Nobody should use that post alone as any kind of a guide to what the game is like.

You must have played an entirely different game than I and many others, because none of what you write sounds familiar (though I wouldn't know about the French translation).

The game is from 2008 and it was CDPR's first game, made with a low budget. Shouldn't be judged like some AAA title, because for what it is it is a very good game.
Last edited by Draconifors; 8 Aug @ 9:57pm
Originally posted by Draconifors:
Pure opinion. Nobody should use that post alone as any kind of a guide to what the game is like.

You must have played an entirely different game than I and many others, because none of what you write sounds familiar (though I wouldn't know about the French translation).

The game is from 2008 and it was CDPR's first game, made with a low budget. Shouldn't be judged like some AAA title, because for what it is it is a very good game.
Originally posted by Draconifors:
Pure opinion. Nobody should use that post alone as any kind of a guide to what the game is like.

You must have played an entirely different game than I and many others, because none of what you write sounds familiar (though I wouldn't know about the French translation).

The game is from 2008 and it was CDPR's first game, made with a low budget. Shouldn't be judged like some AAA title, because for what it is it is a very good game.
Darek871 10 Aug @ 3:45am 
Originally posted by Draconifors:
Pure opinion. Nobody should use that post alone as any kind of a guide to what the game is like.
I completely agree, opinions are there to exist and show different sensitivities but in no case can they be compared to each other. Indeed, we all have a different experience of games in general, of the franchise (books, TV series included), of the problems encountered, of the translation more or less well done, of the mods used or not in the game, etc. etc...

Originally posted by Draconifors:
You must have played an entirely different game than I and many others, because none of what you write sounds familiar (though I wouldn't know about the French translation).
What do you imagine? That I just invent to have fun criticizing the game? Even if I think that yes the game was quite lost in the French translation, I nevertheless find all these faults in it. If sometimes n°2 and/or n°3 give me a real slap in the face and come to the top of the list of my favorite games, I won't hesitate to say it too, in any case I hope to do so.

Originally posted by Draconifors:
The game is from 2008 and it was CDPR's first game, made with a low budget. Shouldn't be judged like some AAA title, because for what it is it is a very good game.
My opinion does not concern the age of the game. I have played a lot of old games, KOTOR and all those before or after and I have a lot of fun coming back to them. But then, I didn't have the same pleasure here.
MasteR 10 Aug @ 10:52am 
Originally posted by Darek871:
Originally posted by Draconifors:
Pure opinion. Nobody should use that post alone as any kind of a guide to what the game is like.
I completely agree, opinions are there to exist and show different sensitivities but in no case can they be compared to each other. Indeed, we all have a different experience of games in general, of the franchise (books, TV series included), of the problems encountered, of the translation more or less well done, of the mods used or not in the game, etc. etc...

Originally posted by Draconifors:
You must have played an entirely different game than I and many others, because none of what you write sounds familiar (though I wouldn't know about the French translation).
What do you imagine? That I just invent to have fun criticizing the game? Even if I think that yes the game was quite lost in the French translation, I nevertheless find all these faults in it. If sometimes n°2 and/or n°3 give me a real slap in the face and come to the top of the list of my favorite games, I won't hesitate to say it too, in any case I hope to do so.

Originally posted by Draconifors:
The game is from 2008 and it was CDPR's first game, made with a low budget. Shouldn't be judged like some AAA title, because for what it is it is a very good game.
My opinion does not concern the age of the game. I have played a lot of old games, KOTOR and all those before or after and I have a lot of fun coming back to them. But then, I didn't have the same pleasure here.

As OF who played almost every RPG in late 90s and early 2000, i love witcher more then other games, mainly due to its realistic setting, story telling and careful transition of books into video game.
Last edited by MasteR; 10 Aug @ 10:53am
Originally posted by Darek871:
...or very very very hard

That's how it should be. The last thing I would want is easy boss fights.
Darek871 11 Aug @ 1:03am 
Originally posted by Dark_Sirian:
Originally posted by Darek871:
...or very very very hard

That's how it should be. The last thing I would want is easy boss fights.
Who is talking about the boss ? I fight them easily and i find them very boring, my head leaning on one hand and clicking a thousand times with the other hand, just to avoid falling asleep... I was talking about some of the other fights in the game, and not just the ones that spawn you right in the middle (literally) of several enemies right after a video scene, whereas the fight before you could defeat the same number of enemies almost with your eyes closed to enjoy a nap. Obviously, I'm exaggerating a little, but yes, the battles are very badly balanced, and don't forget that we have multiple choices in the game, which still makes any comparison of our different games a relative nonsense...
Originally posted by Darek871:
Who is talking about the boss ? I fight them easily and i find them very boring, my head leaning on one hand and clicking a thousand times with the other hand, just to avoid falling asleep...

I can understand your feelings only too well. I would probably die of boredom if I played like you. But I experience it completely differently.

It’s something I have always admired the developers of the Witcher games for. Many of the boss fights in TW1/2/3 seem difficult, if not impossible, at first glance. But once you discover the royal road (or roads), they suddenly become much easier. Obviously, the developers' goal was to make players think.

The boss fights at the end of the 5 chapters are good examples. The hellhound of the suburbs...

...has a short life if treated properly, and the developers have hidden the right tool in the tower for the two crooks at the magician's tower at the end of Chapter 2:

The Kikimore Queen is a very special boss „fight“ ***, but it is even easier to overcome than the developers whisper in our ears:

Lazy Geralts solve the monster problem at the end of Chapter 4 in a matter of seconds:

Our Witcher quickly puts an impressive end to the loud-mouthed magician and his failed mutant brood:

(All videos: DL "hard", Vanilla)

Bravo Devs! It could hardly have been staged much better with the means available more than 15 years ago!

***Of course, that doesn't mean that you can't actually kill the Queen (with a sword, bombs, a suitable sign…) if you are ambitious enough.
Last edited by max.strauss; 11 Aug @ 3:54am
MasteR 11 Aug @ 11:30am 
Originally posted by Darek871:
Originally posted by Dark_Sirian:

That's how it should be. The last thing I would want is easy boss fights.
Who is talking about the boss ? I fight them easily and i find them very boring, my head leaning on one hand and clicking a thousand times with the other hand, just to avoid falling asleep... I was talking about some of the other fights in the game, and not just the ones that spawn you right in the middle (literally) of several enemies right after a video scene, whereas the fight before you could defeat the same number of enemies almost with your eyes closed to enjoy a nap. Obviously, I'm exaggerating a little, but yes, the battles are very badly balanced, and don't forget that we have multiple choices in the game, which still makes any comparison of our different games a relative nonsense...

Witcher 1 has unique combat style, taking into consideration budget and engine it was made on. In game you have 6 different fighting styles, fully animated with different critical hits that can onehit kill any enemy, including bosses. Except sword styles there are signs and alchemy.
Please provide example of "better" RPG without so called clicking one button.
Darek871 12 Aug @ 1:39am 
You have to make a minimum effort of understanding if you want to demonstrate a possible wrong of the OP. Clicking is not the problem, I have a 6-button mouse so when I can favor a game with the mouse, I do it. I was talking about the imbalance of non-boss fights at first, which are done in a few seconds and others where you have to spam the mouse for some minutes for fights potentially of the same level, and in a second time I was talking about certain boring bosses yes because once you have chosen the right fighting style (group, fast, force) you just have to spam the mouse again for a very very long time.
(in addition to magical powers and potions)

There is a lack of diversity in these fighting modes, again there is not really any difficulty (maybe I was not clear enough when talking about the difficulty, sorry) but you just have to be very very patient. I'm thinking for example of swtor (yes I know you find this game crap and outdated, sorry this is not the case for everyone otherwise the game would have been closed a long time ago) where we have much more options in the fights, and that we can use as a whole on all the enemies, it is suddenly less monotonous. As I also said in KOTOR1 and 2, it was also necessary to click quite a bit but I never felt overwhelmed or bored.

Finally, I repeat that the game left a rather bad impression because of ALL the factors expressed in my OP and not only because of one of them like the clicking in the fights for example, so avoid taking an idea out of the general context. If I had found only one flaw, I would have said that the game is very good. Besides, if we were forced to finish a game to be able to rate this one I think the rating would be a notch lower, but that's my opinion.

Are you a fan of the game ? I'm happy for you and I totally understand it, but if you can't accept mixed reviews because they bother you and it just makes you want to make the OP look like an idiot who didn't understand anything, I can't do anything for you sorry and I have other things to do than try to make certain nuances understood to those who don't want to make any effort ! Good gameS ! :steamthumbsup:
Last edited by Darek871; 12 Aug @ 1:41am
Originally posted by Darek871:
I was talking about some of the other fights in the game, and not just the ones that spawn you right in the middle (literally) of several enemies right after a video scene...

Even difficult group battles (on DL "Hard") become relatively easy, if you use the tools that the developers have provided for you.

The name already makes it clear that the group style is usually the way to go here. If you find the constant left-clicking annoying, you should remember that there are other ways. Using signs, for example, saves a lot of left-clicks. And if you escape from a encirclement by double-pressing the space bar, you can easily get into a better position.

Some examples:

Here (Salamandra hut towards the end of the 1st chapter) Geralt comes across a Salamandra horde in a small space, which can also hit quite well:

If the opponents are numerous but simply don't want to form a group, Geralt can help them to form it, as here on the first night after arriving in the Outskirts. when conquering the first trophy:

In the swamp, the many drowners can become annoying. However, if you ask them to join a group battle, the business can be done with just a few clicks:

Afterwards, my Geralt became really addicted and could drain entire swamps with the greatest of pleasure:
MasteR 12 Aug @ 10:02am 
Originally posted by Darek871:
You have to make a minimum effort of understanding if you want to demonstrate a possible wrong of the OP. Clicking is not the problem, I have a 6-button mouse so when I can favor a game with the mouse, I do it. I was talking about the imbalance of non-boss fights at first, which are done in a few seconds and others where you have to spam the mouse for some minutes for fights potentially of the same level, and in a second time I was talking about certain boring bosses yes because once you have chosen the right fighting style (group, fast, force) you just have to spam the mouse again for a very very long time.
(in addition to magical powers and potions)

There is a lack of diversity in these fighting modes, again there is not really any difficulty (maybe I was not clear enough when talking about the difficulty, sorry) but you just have to be very very patient. I'm thinking for example of swtor (yes I know you find this game crap and outdated, sorry this is not the case for everyone otherwise the game would have been closed a long time ago) where we have much more options in the fights, and that we can use as a whole on all the enemies, it is suddenly less monotonous. As I also said in KOTOR1 and 2, it was also necessary to click quite a bit but I never felt overwhelmed or bored.

Finally, I repeat that the game left a rather bad impression because of ALL the factors expressed in my OP and not only because of one of them like the clicking in the fights for example, so avoid taking an idea out of the general context. If I had found only one flaw, I would have said that the game is very good. Besides, if we were forced to finish a game to be able to rate this one I think the rating would be a notch lower, but that's my opinion.

Are you a fan of the game ? I'm happy for you and I totally understand it, but if you can't accept mixed reviews because they bother you and it just makes you want to make the OP look like an idiot who didn't understand anything, I can't do anything for you sorry and I have other things to do than try to make certain nuances understood to those who don't want to make any effort ! Good gameS ! :steamthumbsup:

Your so called opinion is very subjective:

- the fights are very poorly balanced, very easy or very very very hard

***Fights are not easy or hard, as in any game use every mechanic that was intended on hardest difficulty.
- the combat system is poorly thought out : click, click, click, and die of boredom

***Every game has so called "click click click" in one way or another unless we will have gear to play with power of our thoughts.
- the different cogs of the story are poorly adapted to the quests and are often lost sometimes in the confusion

***If you are confused and cant understand something, in RPG that was made in times when games didn't hold gamers hands, its not games fault.
- transitions or sequences are very often done in a brutal and choppy manner on the screen : a quest can end without you being able to save, the game goes directly to a video then puts you directly back into the game in full fight among enemies, in short you die in 2 seconds...

***There is an auto save before you leave area and another one when you enter new area + you can save on your own.
"Hard fight" that i can think of is in the end of first chapter, which is not hard if you did all side quests and learned weakness of ghost dogs and revealed who summoned the beast, you may not know but this quest is based on Fairy tale, where beast guards something and can be killed if traveler answers its question (like Sphinx), in witcher 1 the question is "Who summoned me, who is responsible", if player identify who and reveal them, fight is very easy, which return us to previous point.... use all mechanics that were intended by developers.
- many stage transitions are without sound or music, in short it's not really finished

***Nothing to comment due to empty subjective opinion.
- lots of bugs here and there...

***I have finished game at least 10 times, when it was released in 2007, game wasn't perfect, in last editions i have never seen any bugs (my subjective experience)
- a botched ending where you can't really finish the game and talk to your friends to "debrief", you have to content yourself with following an incomprehensible "(very) short film" then you are sent back to the menu, basta, finished!

***Most games end up in title and developers scripts, except open world games, another subjective point.
- typos in dialogues and French translations

***Typos are not games problem, if you would have played AAA games with russian translation your ears and mind would have blown up, that is why i play only with original language or english, developers not exactly responsible for localization, they are not linguists. Typos in french is irresponsible job of your fellow french speaking person.
etc., etc .....

***Another subjective bla bla bla.....
As much as i like Star Wars, Kotor 1 and 2 have boring rng fighting system where player just click click click and then wait until sequence of chosen attacks will end with random outcome. Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast had interactive combat styles but those are completely different games.
Last edited by MasteR; 12 Aug @ 11:20am
Originally posted by MasteR:

Your so called opinion is very subjective:

- the fights are very poorly balanced, very easy or very very very hard

***Fights are not easy or hard, as in any game use every mechanic that was intended on hardest difficulty.
- the combat system is poorly thought out : click, click, click, and die of boredom

***Every game has so called "click click click" in one way or another unless we will have gear to play with power of our thoughts.
- the different cogs of the story are poorly adapted to the quests and are often lost sometimes in the confusion

***If you are confused and cant understand something, in RPG that was made in times when games didn't hold gamers hands, its not games fault.
- transitions or sequences are very often done in a brutal and choppy manner on the screen : a quest can end without you being able to save, the game goes directly to a video then puts you directly back into the game in full fight among enemies, in short you die in 2 seconds...

***There is an auto save before you leave area and another one when you enter new area + you can save on your own.
"Hard fight" that i can think of is in the end of first chapter, which is not hard if you did all side quests and learned weakness of ghost dogs and revealed who summoned the beast, you may not know but this quest is based on Fairy tale, where beast guards something and can be killed if traveler answers its question (like Sphinx), in witcher 1 the question is "Who summoned me, who is responsible", if player identify who and reveal them, fight is very easy, which return us to previous point.... use all mechanics that were intended by developers.
- many stage transitions are without sound or music, in short it's not really finished

***Nothing to comment due to empty subjective opinion.
- lots of bugs here and there...

***I have finished game at least 10 times, when it was released in 2007, game wasn't perfect, in last editions i have never seen any bugs (my subjective experience)
- a botched ending where you can't really finish the game and talk to your friends to "debrief", you have to content yourself with following an incomprehensible "(very) short film" then you are sent back to the menu, basta, finished!

***Most games end up in title and developers scripts, except open world games, another subjective point.
- typos in dialogues and French translations

***Typos are not games problem, if you would have played AAA games with russian translation your ears and mind would have blown up, that is why i play only with original language or english, developers not exactly responsible for localization, they are not linguists. Typos in french is irresponsible job of your fellow french speaking person.
etc., etc .....

***Another subjective bla bla bla.....
As much as i like Star Wars, Kotor 1 and 2 have boring rng fighting system where player just click click click and then wait until sequence of chosen attacks will end with random outcome. Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast had interactive combat styles but those are completely different games.

Excellent post! I admire the patience with which you disproved each and every misconception. Keep it up!
its actually a pretty straight forward game and challenging .
Originally posted by PotentBreadStyx:
its actually a pretty straight forward game and challenging .

I have to agree with that wholeheartedly. I think the battle system is just great because it's so unusual. Finally, not just click, click, click. When I think of games like KOTOR... Oh dear.
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