Threads of Time
Please consider a GoG release also
I love these jrpg indie games. But I like being able to own and preserve them. Please make your work last through time by letting ppl the ability to archive your game when they buy it :)
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Показані коментарі 115 із 17
Would really love to see this game on GOG at launch
Same. A GOG release would be awesome.
Автор цієї теми позначив, що цей допис є відповіддю на питання у темі.
Heya! As we look at our next platform announcements, we'll definitely keep GoG in mind! ❤️
Цитата допису RiyoDev:
Heya! As we look at our next platform announcements, we'll definitely keep GoG in mind! ❤️

Yay! Yes please the game looks really good i would buy it on GOG!
Wait, there's a possibility of this coming to GOG? I'm already more invested.
I'd buy the game on GOG rather sooner than later. On Steam? Even thouh it looks interesting, I'm afrasid it could end on my wishlist as perpetually "to buy another time" just like many other games on my Steam, wishlist.
Yup. Would love to see this come to GoG as well.
Yeah! I'd love to see this game on GOG!
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Показані коментарі 115 із 17
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