Undead Inc.

Undead Inc.

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Is worky actually any good?
No perks by default is pretty bad
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Showing 1-10 of 10 comments
StarsSapphire 3 May @ 4:48am 
Took worky out for a spin
let him wander around the sewers
Walked into a occupied room
Died quicker than any of the other managers

Soooo, no, don't think so, but perhaps i am missing something, since as you said, no default perks
Originally posted by StarsSapphire:
Took worky out for a spin
let him wander around the sewers
Walked into a occupied room
Died quicker than any of the other managers

Soooo, no, don't think so, but perhaps i am missing something, since as you said, no default perks

Thank you for sacrificing your wallet and let us know.
Last edited by Infected Ronin; 3 May @ 7:28am
Paraleo 3 May @ 8:18am 
brave soul buying a first day dlc

Originally posted by Infected Ronin:
Originally posted by StarsSapphire:
Took worky out for a spin
let him wander around the sewers
Walked into a occupied room
Died quicker than any of the other managers

Soooo, no, don't think so, but perhaps i am missing something, since as you said, no default perks

Thank you for sacrificing your wallet and let us know.
I'll take the bullet, so yall don't have too
Totally nothing to do with liking robo xD
Worky sucked harder than my vacuum.
Hm, you'd think he'd actually be able to do some of the job the Drones does, like collecting biomass and stuff.. *shrugs*
James 8 May @ 11:42am 
I think he’s just supposed to be a challenge mode at this point. No current bonuses to the franchise and has an achievement for beating a career mode with him
I think the main bonus here is the lack of exhaustion/stamina reduction. You could keep working at a single room 24/7 as Worky without needing to rest.
Vorshin 13 May @ 11:00am 
Looking at overall reviews (overwhelmingly negative) looking at forum posts, posts and other places all are negative. Is the game really that bad, that its trying to compete with some day before? and will lose that race as no game will be that bad..

I will however wait for this to be a freebie at some point before i give it a try, or in a bundle (although bundle would have to have games i want in it).
Last edited by Vorshin; 13 May @ 11:01am
Originally posted by StarsSapphire:
Took worky out for a spin
let him wander around the sewers
Walked into a occupied room
Died quicker than any of the other managers

Soooo, no, don't think so, but perhaps i am missing something, since as you said, no default perks

Worky is great but he isn't a combat director playstyle. Best he can do is clear 1x1s that have 2 or less enemies, but if the enemies are well armed he will take damage before killing both. Worky's utility is the fact he has unlimited stamina, so he is best used on maps such as "An Honest Day's Work" Industrial biome where you have to play wide instead of building tall. More importantly, you want him mainly being in the workforce, maybe clearing small rooms or having him retreat if he sees 3 or more enemies. Its better to use cheap non-combat staff like administrators you can hire at the beginning (cheap useless staff have their uses, don't rush into buying all the hiring boost policies) to explore the map while Worky focus on consumer research or working the first doctors office, and if you realize its gonna be hard to harvest biomass without a nearby drone facility, you can build a staff treatment and recycle the cheap staff to get 20 -50 biomass early. IMO he is was better than Murray for research and he is best on large maps where stamina matters more and rooms to build staff lounges are non-existent. He is also great at early economy, the only thing is he is weak at is he doesn't offer any buffs so having him in the directors office is pointless and he isn't great a clearing large rooms like Coleman. But you can hire like 5 S/A rank security with starting equipment to make up for it, or 6 if you are using cheap disposible security. Basically as soon as you hear the notification that security staff is taking damage and have half health, pull the damaged security out, and rotate them out until someone else gets critical or killed. Its a 30k investment if you mess up so its not the worst loss (Blindspot gang racketeers you 10k-20k every so often). If you can research body armor and ballistics helmets, maybe some rifles or smgs for them, even better, and you will want to extract your best security guards with better equipment so you can do early room clearing on the 2nd and 3rd map.
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