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Bobthefish 30 Nov, 2022 @ 2:28pm
Music and Sound Minor Issue
As I have a hearing difficulty I play games with subtitles on if it is an option. If not I use the game sound menu to turn down the music and turn up the speech. In this game I could not find how to turn down the music on it's own just a volume adjustment for all sound. This was okay as there are speech bubbles in the game but when I try listening to the developers comments and the bloopers I sometimes find the music is too loud .

I tried using winsetup in Resonance directory and turned off MIDI music and tried several other options but no luck.

Is there a way to adjust the music and not the speech volume in Windows 10?

I like the song played in the closing credits. It reminds me of songs played with the end credits to older James Bond movies.
Last edited by Bobthefish; 3 Dec, 2022 @ 2:15pm