The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak

The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak

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Carrying over data to the next game
I'm aware that NIS data won't carry over to the CLE version but its also not 100% clear what the conditions that are needed to get the bonuses from what I've read. Some sources claim it needs to be nightmare mode with max lv5 alignments with AAA rank on the save file. Some claim its only based on max alignment. I'm not sure what exactly you need for it.

I'm about to plat the game basically and I have a ng+ save file by the final boss with max alignment and not AAA rank since i decided to skip on some side quests. I just want to know if I have a shot at getting the bonus. If not, I'm totally okay with that since its not like I need the handicap.

While I'm here, does anyone else feel the turn order bar on top is a bit too small sometimes? Otherwise I enjoyed the field combat but honestly kind of annoyed how certain enemy attacks work. Some enemies like the robot that keeps shooting hits you when you attack into it from behind for example. I still enjoyed the game a lot in the end anyway if it wasn't obvious enough.
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Showing 1-14 of 14 comments
Koby 4 Jan @ 4:03pm 
You get some stuff from just having clear data (doesn't matter what difficulty played at), and then you also get other stuff for the company rank and alignment level.

Clear Data: 2x each Vitality Droplet, Power Droplet, Fortitude Droplet, Magic Droplet, Spirit Droplet

Company Rank [AAA]: 5x each Van, Agnes, Elaine specific shards

LGC Alignment Level 5 (Max): Amulet of Law, Amulet of Grey, Amulet of Chaos
Last edited by Koby; 4 Jan @ 4:04pm
Originally posted by Koby:
You get some stuff from just having clear data (doesn't matter what difficulty played at), and then you also get other stuff for the company rank and alignment level.

Clear Data: 2x each Vitality Droplet, Power Droplet, Fortitude Droplet, Magic Droplet, Spirit Droplet

Company Rank [AAA]: 5x each Van, Agnes, Elaine specific shards

LGC Alignment Level 5 (Max): Amulet of Law, Amulet of Grey, Amulet of Chaos

Thanks. Just curious but what does specific shards mean in this case? Do you mean 5 free generic quartz? Unless the system gets changed alot, I'm not sure what shards will do in the next game.
Koby 4 Jan @ 9:35pm 
Originally posted by shinryu495:
Originally posted by Koby:
You get some stuff from just having clear data (doesn't matter what difficulty played at), and then you also get other stuff for the company rank and alignment level.

Clear Data: 2x each Vitality Droplet, Power Droplet, Fortitude Droplet, Magic Droplet, Spirit Droplet

Company Rank [AAA]: 5x each Van, Agnes, Elaine specific shards

LGC Alignment Level 5 (Max): Amulet of Law, Amulet of Grey, Amulet of Chaos

Thanks. Just curious but what does specific shards mean in this case? Do you mean 5 free generic quartz? Unless the system gets changed alot, I'm not sure what shards will do in the next game.
I'm not sure to be honest. That's just what the Guide I looked at said. I haven't actually played Daybreak 2 just yet and they didn't explain what the shards are.
ZekeBel 5 Jan @ 4:30am 
Character Refining Shards are used to strengthen said character's Crafts, up to 15 times. For example, Van's Raging Buster X goes from 50 CP; 170 Power; 24 Stun; 125 Base Delay; x1.3 Back Damage bonus at base to 44 CP; 185 Power; 30 Stun; 116 Base Delay; x1.6 Back Damage bonus.

Characters also gain a Accuracy +20% at Refine Level 1-5, Max HP +1000 at Refine Level 6-10 and Crit Rate +10% at Refine Level 11-15.
Originally posted by ZekeBel:
Character Refining Shards are used to strengthen said character's Crafts, up to 15 times. For example, Van's Raging Buster X goes from 50 CP; 170 Power; 24 Stun; 125 Base Delay; x1.3 Back Damage bonus at base to 44 CP; 185 Power; 30 Stun; 116 Base Delay; x1.6 Back Damage bonus.

Characters also gain a Accuracy +20% at Refine Level 1-5, Max HP +1000 at Refine Level 6-10 and Crit Rate +10% at Refine Level 11-15.
Man I feel bad for skipping sidequests on my ng+ file then. I'll just use my clear data from ng without the alignment bonus.
ZekeBel 5 Jan @ 5:04pm 
It's up to you to decide which transfer bonus you value more, but keep in mind that having your Office Rank maxed out just gives you a head start since the Refining Shards aren't limited in number and more can be obtained in the Marchen Garten.
The Amulets, while not that powerful, can only be received by having max Alignments.
Last edited by ZekeBel; 5 Jan @ 5:11pm
Originally posted by ZekeBel:
It's up to you to decide which transfer bonus you value more, but keep in mind that having your Office Rank maxed out just gives you a head start since the Refining Shards aren't limited in number and more can be obtained in the Marchen Garten.
It seems fairly obvious that scaling your crafts has more value than 3 accessories that will have less value for each chapter your in. This is all very good to know in advance.
wjo 6 Jan @ 7:33pm 
if anyone has a save with everything maxed, I would really appreciate it
Originally posted by Koby:
You get some stuff from just having clear data (doesn't matter what difficulty played at), and then you also get other stuff for the company rank and alignment level.

Clear Data: 2x each Vitality Droplet, Power Droplet, Fortitude Droplet, Magic Droplet, Spirit Droplet

Company Rank [AAA]: 5x each Van, Agnes, Elaine specific shards

LGC Alignment Level 5 (Max): Amulet of Law, Amulet of Grey, Amulet of Chaos
That's cool. Does anybody have any further details on the company ranks and the LGC alignment accessories?
ZekeBel 11 Jan @ 4:36am 
LGC Alignment:
  • Law Lv5: Amulet of Law (Max HP +500; All status ailment prevention +50%)
  • Gray Lv5: Amulet of Gray (STR, DEF, ATS, ADF, SPD, Evasion and Magic Evasion +7)
  • Chaos Lv5: Amulet of Chaos (STR, CRIT+10; CP +10 when acting)

Solutions Office Rank:
Originally posted by ZekeBel:
Character Refining Shards are used to strengthen said character's Crafts, up to 15 times. For example, Van's Raging Buster X goes from 50 CP; 170 Power; 24 Stun; 125 Base Delay; x1.3 Back Damage bonus at base to 44 CP; 185 Power; 30 Stun; 116 Base Delay; x1.6 Back Damage bonus.

Characters also gain a Accuracy +20% at Refine Level 1-5, Max HP +1000 at Refine Level 6-10 and Crit Rate +10% at Refine Level 11-15.
Originally posted by ZekeBel:
LGC Alignment:
  • Law Lv5: Amulet of Law (Max HP +500; All status ailment prevention +50%)
  • Gray Lv5: Amulet of Gray (STR, DEF, ATS, ADF, SPD, Evasion and Magic Evasion +7)
  • Chaos Lv5: Amulet of Chaos (STR, CRIT+10; CP +10 when acting)

That's some good stuff! Do these items remain top-tier for long, or are they quickly overshadowed by better ones?
The Amulets of law and gray get outclassed by the midpoint
The amulet of chaos's cp up is always a little useful, I believe
Originally posted by CrucibleOfHate:
The Amulets of law and gray get outclassed by the midpoint
The amulet of chaos's cp up is always a little useful, I believe

Thanks! :-)
wjo 14 Jan @ 8:37pm 
anyone have a 100% save for all the bonuses?
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