The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak

The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak

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Map exploration
Does this game allow map exploration?
Like finding new optional stuff, or is it linear?
How does it compare to tales of series?
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Showing 1-2 of 2 comments
FlameHaze 11 Jan @ 12:05am 
Its linear like Cold Steel 1 you visit 1 Town+Areas around the Town every Month and cant come back to them later.... ITs not like ToB or ToZ where you can revisit old places
There's plenty of stuff to explore but this game is a refinement of many other game. The key things people used to explore for are chests and side-events. but all sub-events are visible on the map and all chests are visible if you have the right quartz equipped. it's almost impossible to miss anything but you can if you're careless. so always explore every corner at any opportunity you can.
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