The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak

The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak

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is there a way to return to the english patch version of kuro no kiseki instead of the localization
like if I go to properties page will I be able to go back to before the update ( or would changing the language to japanese automatically make the english patch version I say it as someone who bought the game before the nisa release and used the english patch version ( I just want to know if I will have to buy the cle version
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I think the English patch version was created for the CLE version and its Korean script so I doubt it'll work on this version. You can try it. I don't know for sure. I didn't use the patch for this game, only for Daybreak 2.
ZekeBel 16 Jan @ 3:39pm 
The patch still works with the latest update. Change the file's name from 'ENGPATCH' to something else and set the in-game language to Japanese
2Shadow 16 Jan @ 4:04pm 
Originally posted by ZekeBel:
The patch still works with the latest update. Change the file's name from 'ENGPATCH' to something else and set the in-game language to Japanese
thats all I need to do I only need to change the files name to something else I dont need to make the other changes ( as in when I first installed the english patch I had to make some other changes and updates
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