The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak

The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak

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Spoiler question
Any tips on beating Olympia? My party is lvl 60 and 61. I'm considering lowering the difficulty, it feels like a massive difficulty spike.
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steven 17 Jan @ 11:41am 
When you make threads : GIVE. US. MORE. INFORMATIONS !!!!
Stop putting three words, asking a question and hoping ppl will read your mind and give you the magic key to your solution...

For your problem, you don't know if we fight Olympia 1 or 10 times, maybe back to back or the next day, through the game, so your informations doesn't help us know WHICH battle you are.
Give as much info as you can next time !

When are you ? Is it November 22nd ?
Which difficulty are you playing ?
What's your team composition ? Are you up to date with your armors / weapons ?
What's the problem ?
- You are one / two / three shotted ?
- You are out of healing / CP / EP fast ?
- You can't deal enough damage to her ?

Here what's some guide says about this battle (i resumed it and added personal things) :

She is level 61 so you are at the right level. She is fast (faster than you) and hit like a truck on physical with good def, but is bad with magic and magic def.

Olympia = powerful AOE attacks (line or a circular area) --> Spread your characters
+ four trash mobs = use your S-Crafts to eliminate them immediately.

She use Holy Shield to make herself immune to two moves --> use Judith's Twilight Kiss.
She is susceptible to status ailments --> use crafts / arts inflicting ailments

Once her health gets low = she use S-Craft --> use shield for def or rez with Agnes
Last edited by steven; 18 Jan @ 12:23am
Minneyar 18 Jan @ 10:59am 
Originally posted by steven:
Here what's some guide says about this battle (i resumed it and added personal things) :

She is level 61 so you are at the right level. She is fast (faster than you) and hit like a truck on physical with good def, but is bad with magic and magic def.

Olympia = powerful AOE attacks (line or a circular area) --> Spread your characters
+ four trash mobs = use your S-Crafts to eliminate them immediately.

She use Holy Shield to make herself immune to two moves --> use Judith's Twilight Kiss.
She is susceptible to status ailments --> use crafts / arts inflicting ailments

Once her health gets low = she use S-Craft --> use shield for def or rez with Agnes

In the future, you could just copy and paste this without being unnecessarily rude.
steven 18 Jan @ 11:40am 
Originally posted by Minneyar:
In the future, you could just copy and paste this without being unnecessarily rude.
Asking for more Datas to be more precise, search faster and giving an answer sooner is being rude ? Yeah, it could have been ask more nicely, ok cool, no problemo. But f this.
So many threads of random user asking for something with 0 informations given, and not even answering.
We are basically giving general advice or copy pasting some guides, because where / when / who / what's your situation and what's the problem is not here. They can even search on google by themselves at this rate.

Yeah, sorry but not sorry to ask for the minimum informations a human should gives when asking something and that can help YOU and not me ^^
For the answer to be more "personalized and precise" with more research and not "generic and blurry" with google, information is the key and prevent grumpy ppl like me answering with cynism, but still coming with an answer.

We are off topic, let's stop here. If ppl have other answers to give him, go.
Last edited by steven; 19 Jan @ 12:49am
Originally posted by steven:
Originally posted by Minneyar:
In the future, you could just copy and paste this without being unnecessarily rude.
Asking for more Datas to be more precise, search faster and giving an answer sooner is being rude ? Yeah, it could have been ask more nicely, ok cool, no problemo. But f this.
So many threads of random user asking for something with 0 informations given, and not even answering.
We are basically giving general advice or copy pasting some guides, because where / when / who / what's your situation and what's the problem is not here. They can even search on google by themselves at this rate.

Yeah, sorry but not sorry to ask for the minimum informations a human should gives when asking something and that can help YOU and not me ^^
For the answer to be more "personalized and precise" with more research and not "generic and blurry" with google, information is the key and prevent grumpy ppl like me answering with cynism, but still coming with an answer.

We are off topic, let's stop here. If ppl have other answers to give him, go.

Yes you were rude all you had to was to say how to beat the boss what was needed. You did not need to ask what the level was etc but no you had to be rude. Again All you had to do was to say on how to beat the boss with nothing else. Yet no you couldn't do that you had to be rude before saying how to again beat the boss.
Last edited by spectre199; 18 Feb @ 2:30pm
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