Once Human

Once Human

How to pick a populated server in order to avoid them lonely feels?
Topic. Haven't played in ages. (To me) and unsure what all the server mumbo jumbo is all about. Last time I made a character, it was just empty camps everywhere...was actually depressing and lonely.
Last edited by dysphunktion; 30 Jan @ 1:43am
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Well, that's really simple.
When you choose a server, choose one with a High population. :steamfacepalm:
Raymond 30 Jan @ 9:51am 
just choose the newest servers. Most servers will be empty for the first 2 days, and then choke full of people for the first 3 phases. Inactive players will have their camps removed after several inactive day, so none of the camps you saw were actually empty.
Martin 30 Jan @ 9:56am 
Originally posted by DarkEternal:
Well, that's really simple.
When you choose a server, choose one with a High population. :steamfacepalm:
High Population simply means people who created characters or transferred there. It doesn't mean who is online. I'd say choose a new server, most likely to have new players or hardcore players who want to play in teams.

Otherwise the game is dead, whilst it claims 40k online, they are spread over so many servers that you're lucky to see 40-50 online overall and those are spread over 24 hours.. so maybe 10 online at any one time, then remove language barriers, avg 1-2 people to talk to.
Last edited by Martin; 30 Jan @ 9:59am
Moose 30 Jan @ 10:09am 
Try the Lunar Manibus, its new so it gets more attention
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Date Posted: 30 Jan @ 1:42am
Posts: 4