Once Human

Once Human

White Screen of Doom
Every time I start the game it loads the starting logo and then a solid bright white screen and then shut down. I've verified files and even uninstalled and reinstalled and it's still acting up. All my drivers are up to date and it's still not working. A little help please?
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
Same, I hadn't played in a few days and now I'm unable to get past the white screen.
ravedragon 30 Jan @ 11:40am 
So it seems if your running and Nvidia card they released an update on the 24th that just got to it today. Try updating the drivers and see if it works
I can confirm that the white screen got fixed once i installed the Nvidia update from the 24th
They released an nvidia update today as well and it fixed my issue.
didn't fix ♥♥♥♥, still getting it no matter what
What is your vid card if I might ask?
SPeeDD 7 Feb @ 9:25am 
me to... tuf 3070 ryzen 7 5800x 32gb ram
ravedragon 10 Feb @ 12:40am 
does Once Human even work with the new vid cards at all yet?
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Date Posted: 30 Jan @ 1:47am
Posts: 9