Once Human

Once Human

shexvl 30 Jan @ 6:59am
Can't decide between going male or female (body type)
So, I think both look great, I wanna change my current character but cant decide to go with male or female. Any helpers? Are there things to consider like outfit options looking better on one or the other
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Showing 1-15 of 18 comments
That depends.
Do you wanna stare at a woman's ass or a man's ass for 1k+ hours?
Also, the outfits look better on women. Duh. It's an online game. What do you expect? xD
shexvl 30 Jan @ 7:54am 
Originally posted by DarkEternal:
That depends.
Do you wanna stare at a woman's ass or a man's ass for 1k+ hours?
Also, the outfits look better on women. Duh. It's an online game. What do you expect? xD
Those are 2 valid points LMAO
Martin 30 Jan @ 10:02am 
Originally posted by DarkEternal:
That depends.
Do you wanna stare at a woman's ass or a man's ass for 1k+ hours?
Also, the outfits look better on women. Duh. It's an online game. What do you expect? xD
You shouldn't be looking at your avatars ass, but ahead of you at your field of fire.

My answer to op would be "What sex are you registered as at birth" Go with that. Don't false represent yourself to others, saves embarrassment later on in discord.
Last edited by Martin; 30 Jan @ 10:03am
Ragepaw 30 Jan @ 11:46am 
Originally posted by Martin:
Originally posted by DarkEternal:
That depends.
Do you wanna stare at a woman's ass or a man's ass for 1k+ hours?
Also, the outfits look better on women. Duh. It's an online game. What do you expect? xD
You shouldn't be looking at your avatars ass, but ahead of you at your field of fire.

My answer to op would be "What sex are you registered as at birth" Go with that. Don't false represent yourself to others, saves embarrassment later on in discord.

Critical /facepalm
I almost always pick the opposite sex and there's no embarrassment whatsoever
Gamers like to use the 1st person pronoun when refering to themselves in games, but the truth is, your character is just a puppet.
I always found silly when people justify choosing gender in a game that gives the option for it, because their real life gender. Like that should matter in any way. And even insane what is happening nowadays with all this new genders and sexuality representations.

Just play with whatever character you will believe will give you the most pleasant experience. No matter if is sexy, or cool, or funny.
Last edited by 𝕊𝕙𝕒𝕚𝕕𝕠𝕟; 30 Jan @ 1:00pm
shexvl 30 Jan @ 2:45pm 
Originally posted by 𝕊𝕙𝕒𝕚𝕕𝕠𝕟:
Gamers like to use the 1st person pronoun when refering to themselves in games, but the truth is, your character is just a puppet.
I always found silly when people justify choosing gender in a game that gives the option for it, because their real life gender. Like that should matter in any way. And even insane what is happening nowadays with all this new genders and sexuality representations.

Just play with whatever character you will believe will give you the most pleasant experience. No matter if is sexy, or cool, or funny.

Very good answer honestly, I'm just a big aesthetic/cosmetic guy hence my question, through the years of gaming I have played alot of both!
Well, in general, in the matter of aesthetic and cosmetics, game creators seems to be inclined to give the female the biggest range of options.
One of the reasons that I often pick up females. I'm also into that. ;)
If you want to identify as the character or have them represent an aspect of yourself go with the type of character that represents you best. If you want to admire the character (in whatever way that may mean) then choose the avatar of a character you would most admire.
Originally posted by Martin:
Originally posted by DarkEternal:
That depends.
Do you wanna stare at a woman's ass or a man's ass for 1k+ hours?
Also, the outfits look better on women. Duh. It's an online game. What do you expect? xD
You shouldn't be looking at your avatars ass, but ahead of you at your field of fire.

My answer to op would be "What sex are you registered as at birth" Go with that. Don't false represent yourself to others, saves embarrassment later on in discord.

You know what I meant, smartass. It's a 3rd person game. Therefore, you are almost always viewing the game from behind your character. In other words YOU'RE LOOKING AT THEIR ASS.
If simply playing as a female causes you embarrassment then that's major league cringe.
I modeled my character after my fiancee. She's gorgeous. Nothing to be embarrassed about there. I'm proud.
Maybe get a girlfriend, model your MMO characters after her. See how fun it is.
You can even get her into the game by letting her choose various aspects of the character creation. Girls like that stuff. Shocking, I know. You learn that stuff as you get older.
One day you'll learn, too.
Is this a trap, it has to be a trap right?
shexvl 1 Feb @ 12:35am 
Originally posted by SteelAceBae:
Is this a trap, it has to be a trap right?
No Iam genuignly asking, how do you think its a trap?
shexvl 1 Feb @ 12:38am 
Originally posted by DarkEternal:
Originally posted by Martin:
You shouldn't be looking at your avatars ass, but ahead of you at your field of fire.

My answer to op would be "What sex are you registered as at birth" Go with that. Don't false represent yourself to others, saves embarrassment later on in discord.

You know what I meant, smartass. It's a 3rd person game. Therefore, you are almost always viewing the game from behind your character. In other words YOU'RE LOOKING AT THEIR ASS.
If simply playing as a female causes you embarrassment then that's major league cringe.
I modeled my character after my fiancee. She's gorgeous. Nothing to be embarrassed about there. I'm proud.
Maybe get a girlfriend, model your MMO characters after her. See how fun it is.
You can even get her into the game by letting her choose various aspects of the character creation. Girls like that stuff. Shocking, I know. You learn that stuff as you get older.
One day you'll learn, too.
Surprisingly this is true, I tried to re-create my gf aswell to see how close I could get her, she loved it
turvarya 1 Feb @ 12:54am 
Originally posted by Martin:
Originally posted by DarkEternal:
That depends.
Do you wanna stare at a woman's ass or a man's ass for 1k+ hours?
Also, the outfits look better on women. Duh. It's an online game. What do you expect? xD
You shouldn't be looking at your avatars ass, but ahead of you at your field of fire.

My answer to op would be "What sex are you registered as at birth" Go with that. Don't false represent yourself to others, saves embarrassment later on in discord.
Sure and only read books, where the protagonist has the same sex as you.
Idk, maybe be a little bit more open minded?
BORG 1 Feb @ 2:31am 
I always play as a male character because I don't want a bunch of dudes trying to hang around like we're on a date or try to friend invite spam me just cause they figure I'm a woman based off my avatar. Things like this are something you should consider.
I play as a female in online games for a very long time, probably longer than many here are alive This harassment, special treatment, or free stuff was never a thing. Only once and recently, I saw 3 people moving back and forth, my character on The First Descendant (a game with lot of sexuality), and I actually found that ridiculous and funny. I said to myself "here it go, after all these years, my first gang bang!" XD

In fact, let me tell something that I notice more from random players, based on the gender they are playing with: females will mostly do cool emotes, males will try to attack me.
Last edited by 𝕊𝕙𝕒𝕚𝕕𝕠𝕟; 1 Feb @ 6:51am
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Date Posted: 30 Jan @ 6:59am
Posts: 18