Once Human

Once Human

Best weapon blueprint to get?
I just got enough starchrom to get a main weapon but i don't know which one would be best, any input?
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It depends on what build you want. I am using a burn build right now so I selected the KVD Boom Boom LMG.
I'm a big fan of bows/crossbows and electric powers. When I noticed the existance of Critical Pulse, I was all over it. And I have no regrets. I specially love when it triggers the AoE.
Originally posted by F r o z e n 🔻:
I just got enough starchrom to get a main weapon but i don't know which one would be best, any input?

There are many good weapon options to choose from. Currently, the most popular weapon is likely the KVD Boom Boom LMG. It's effective for crowd control and deals decent damage. However, it struggles against the Forsaken Giant boss, who is immune to status effects.

Last season, I used the Bounce Kumawink, which remained a viable option even after the nerf. This season, I'm using a Bullseye build with Bingo and Wildfire. I kind of like it more, even though it's a single-target focus weapon. Essentially, you can choose whichever weapon you like to use each season.
Martin 30 Jan @ 10:00am 
M416 Ice alot of ammo usage so take 20k ammo with you. Maybe make 2 of them, as they wear out fast.
Moose 30 Jan @ 10:02am 
Which weapon have you used the most/enjoyed so far?
Ecklesia 30 Jan @ 10:49am 
None, delete the game and stop wasting your time on this massive disappointment. Go play something else instead, anything. Even Tetris and Pac-Man would be better.
If you want to go for skilful weak spot hitting builds then consider the Bingo sniper rifle. If you want to have decent range and accuracy but no need to hit weak spots then a crit build on Valor works. If you want to save your starchrom because you can't decide then a good option is to get the Icy Rain blueprint from Rotten Saddle mystical crate which allows a never reload constant heals crit build. Many other good options are available.
It doesn't really matter what option you go for. If it is overpowered it will be nerfed and you can probably solo almost everything with any gun.
Last edited by Critical Mass; 30 Jan @ 3:19pm
mspixxxiii 31 Jan @ 12:44am 
For me its The Valor and the Bingo - lego sniper rifle.
In reality there are both absolute trash Gold tier weapons, and absolute winners to get.
im quite new to this game but it looks that weapons that are most popular, and most powerful are:

Bingo siniper rifle (i literally watched YT with clears of forsaken giant on PRO, solo that took below 1 minute, it deals absolutly devastating damage)

Boom Boom LMG - machine gun with explosive bullet effect best for aoe clears
best weapon if someone want to rat-a-tata around, with masive magazine (100 bullets unbuffed)
i heard some complains about this one, elemental damages not working on some bossess, and damage is not as high as some of those weakspot wonders (like Bingo).

Silent Anabasis - assault rifle with frost vortex damage. also very good for aoe and with nice healing effect. plus its on wish machine (banner) right now

Critical Pulse crossbow is also very nice, maybe not as high damage as above -BUT crossbows are silent, enemies react to shooting with crossbow very slowly, you can recover your tungsten Ap bolts - so its most efficient/low cost weapon after melee. if i go Strange Harvest -it cost me 3k+ bulltes when using LMG, but i can colect all 200 bolts back after fight ends. still collecting bolts could be annoying to some players :p
That weapon deal also aoe damage in form of lighting charge. Its also on wish machine right now. Btw this is sniper weapon, so if someone have/plan to get a Bingo/sniper dont get a crossbow. Plus its VERY slow reload, only 1 bolt loaded in (its slow even using cradle skill for 30% auto reload and Ruthless Reaper (reload a full mag after 2 kills))

Btw note to new palyers: you absolutly NEED to purchase whole baner from Wish machine - its 20x500 starchrome so 10.000 AND later purchase also "selectable weapon" from wish machine for 8.000 chrome, tyou need to add stars to weapon to made them stronger
So just dont try to just "i try my luck and pull a gold weapon from banners at 5th try" so im good" no, you need those extra bonus gold fragments from finsihing whole 20 pulls
Last edited by ShadowSkill; 31 Jan @ 2:11am
critical pulse or boom boom this season for sure
Originally posted by ShadowSkill:
In reality there are both absolute trash Gold tier weapons, and absolute winners to get.
im quite new to this game but it looks that weapons that are most popular, and most powerful are:

Bingo siniper rifle (i literally watched YT with clears of forsaken giant on PRO, solo that took below 1 minute, it deals absolutly devastating damage)

Boom Boom LMG - machine gun with explosive bullet effect best for aoe clears
best weapon if someone want to rat-a-tata around, with masive magazine (100 bullets unbuffed)
i heard some complains about this one, elemental damages not working on some bossess, and damage is not as high as some of those weakspot wonders (like Bingo).

Silent Anabasis - assault rifle with frost vortex damage. also very good for aoe and with nice healing effect. plus its on wish machine (banner) right now

Critical Pulse crossbow is also very nice, maybe not as high damage as above -BUT crossbows are silent, enemies react to shooting with crossbow very slowly, you can recover your tungsten Ap bolts - so its most efficient/low cost weapon after melee. if i go Strange Harvest -it cost me 3k+ bulltes when using LMG, but i can colect all 200 bolts back after fight ends. still collecting bolts could be annoying to some players :p
That weapon deal also aoe damage in form of lighting charge. Its also on wish machine right now. Btw this is sniper weapon, so if someone have/plan to get a Bingo/sniper dont get a crossbow. Plus its VERY slow reload, only 1 bolt loaded in (its slow even using cradle skill for 30% auto reload and Ruthless Reaper (reload a full mag after 2 kills))

Btw note to new palyers: you absolutly NEED to purchase whole baner from Wish machine - its 20x500 starchrome so 10.000 AND later purchase also "selectable weapon" from wish machine for 8.000 chrome, tyou need to add stars to weapon to made them stronger
So just dont try to just "i try my luck and pull a gold weapon from banners at 5th try" so im good" no, you need those extra bonus gold fragments from finsihing whole 20 pulls
When did the frost m4 get a healing effect? lol I think you might be confusing it with the purple m4 that has the fortress warfare.
Originally posted by Moose:
Which weapon have you used the most/enjoyed so far?

Great advice. Pick up random weapons from crates in town, try it out. Like the sound and feel? Look into it more. As a Boomboom user I feel it's op right now so may catch a nerf, but last fall they buffed weapons to be more in line with each other so use what seems cool.
Fortress M4 sadly only from the box in Way of winter, which i am headed there next so i can lv it past 1. ♥♥♥♥♥♥ hate WOW, but gotta get back there to pick up another M4 bp and few acc i missed... ♥♥♥♥♥♥ hate that place its ♥♥♥♥♥♥ cancer.
All guns are good. Just some perform better in certain areas.

For example, one character mains outer space, which just melts the hell out of things. But then is crappy in Prime Wars.

Then guns like KVD. Shine in Prime Wars, but really not that effective on Silo/LEA Bosses (Solo).

It also seems each new weapon they add, just does crazy damage. More than the previous.

Pryoclasm came out. Everyone jumped on that. 8k PW damage with Dino? Why not?
Not anymore though.

KVD Boom Boom came out. Crazy damage all around and a great PW gun. Great AoE damage when dealing with lots of mobs. Just really lacks when soloing bosses. My outer space kills bosses faster than this gun.

Now we have the crossbow. Critical Pulse. Not going lie... this thing is CRAZY! And I am loving it! It just destroys EVERYTHING. Great on bosses. Annihilates groups. It is obscene really. I mean, going around blackfell and literally 1 shotting EVERYTHING. Bosses... 3 hits. splat! Granted I am all 6 star and well modded. Flying through pro silo's now. Farming Phi, nothing makes it out of the tunnels on secret boss. One arrow takes them ALL out on each side. That chain lighting is NICE!

Something to keep in mind though. Some bosses, mostly Forsaken Giant... is immune to elemental damage. If you do go elemental... I would also go with a second non-elemental weapon. Not at first, but later once you get your current set up together.

Shrapnel is a great all around secondary. Perfect gun for Shadow Hound, Silo EX1 Boss & Manibus arms. Though KVD is matching now. Because of the explosions it does but is elemental. But requires two sets of gear. Bounse might be something worth checking out now too for non-elemental.

Lonewolf & Shelter gear sets can be used for multiple weapons.
- Corrosion (Power Surge Crit Build) & Shrapnel both use Lonewolf.
- Pyroclasm (Burn Crit Build) & Shrapnel both use Lonewolf.
- Corrosion & Pyroclasm pretty much the exact same build minus a couple mods.

Then all elemental with Shelter.

But as for Top Weapon right now. Sorry... I am going with the Crossbow. KVD Boom was crazy and fun. But.this.bow.is.nutz. I also use the pants (f goggles) them 6 free shots is soooo damn nice and prco's ALOT.

Ultimately though, it all depends on builds. You can easily make a good build bad or a bad build good if done right.
Last edited by Neotropic; 31 Jan @ 1:30pm
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Date Posted: 30 Jan @ 9:13am
Posts: 23