Once Human

Once Human

BUG : Submenu with Ultrawide Display not accessible
I'm using a Ultra wide display and play at the moment way of winter and can't build a thermal tower, because the sub menu is not accessible.
When I change into the build menu and access facilities the submenus are cut off in te middle of the letter 'w' of the word Power in the submenu 'Water & Power'. As far as I understand there should be another submenu 'Outdoor facility', but regardless if I try with mouse or keyboard I can't reach it. I searched other menus for the tower, but did not found it. The same problem exist in furniture, where the sub menu Home entertainment is cut in the middle and in prints where the word /sub menu facilities is cut in the middle.
I tried to change the resolution, but there are only Ultra Wide resolutions offered. It doesn't matter if I chose full screen or windowed mode. My display is able to use 16:9 resolutions like 2560 x 1440 or 1920 x 1080 too but they are not offered.
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scroll wheel
Already tried. Didn't work to scroll right. And the next menu is on the right, not down......
aim the the ribbon where those menu items are, scroll down and they move horizontally. if you do have some random bug tho, it's completely unrelated to ultrawide. I have 5120x1440 and everything works fine. well, fov is kinda crap, but that's unrelated.
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Date Posted: 30 Jan @ 10:53am
Posts: 3