Stronghold: Definitive Edition

Stronghold: Definitive Edition

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Balance Changes?
I only remember the old Crusader but this feels different. I only played the demo mission once and beat it but it felt so sluggish. It took at least 3 times as long for everything to get collected.

Did I miss something or is this intended to be more on the slower side?
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Onyx 31 Jan @ 10:49am 
No, the game is unchanged from Stronghold 1. You may have played with higher game speed settings in Crusader - as with many RTS games, you can make the game speed higher or lower with + or - keys. IIRC the default in both Crusader and SH1 is 45.

Edit: actually I think it's... 40?
Last edited by Onyx; 31 Jan @ 11:13am
I had a feeling, that Mill was nerfed to not be suffitient for a huge economy.
Now one mill at stockpile can serve about 3 fields and 10 bakeries
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