Stronghold: Definitive Edition

Stronghold: Definitive Edition

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Firefly. Enough with the Delays, Just put it on GOG and you'll have our money.
What is so wrong about making your game DRM Free? Most of us don't care about the Multi-player. You want us? You'll have us. Just, put on GOG. Enough with the beating around the bush.

You're already releasing Stronghold Crusader Definitive Edition. Do you honestly expect us buy on steam again? Some will, sure. However, we know how steam treats DRM games. BADLY. So, make the right decision and bring the game to GOG.
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Showing 1-15 of 17 comments
The definitive edition of stronghold 1 sold more than 500k copies regardless
We need this on GoG, definitely. I'll buy it second time.
Originally posted by Crevan Izekil':
We need this on GoG, definitely. I'll buy it second time.
It matters a lot.
Originally posted by Crevan Izekil':
We need this on GoG, definitely. I'll buy it second time.
Definitely. There is just no excuse anymore.
What is GOG? I have heard of it in the Infinity games context
Originally posted by ‡=Storky=‡:
What is GOG? I have heard of it in the Infinity games context
The game store from the developers behind the witcher games
Originally posted by ‡=Storky=‡:
What is GOG? I have heard of it in the Infinity games context
You never heard about it?
+1. Steam is awful, GOG is the perfect platform for a game like this.
Originally posted by Krosis:
+1. Steam is awful, GOG is the perfect platform for a game like this.
Originally posted by Krosis:
+1. Steam is awful, GOG is the perfect platform for a game like this.
Originally posted by Crabot:
Originally posted by Krosis:
+1. Steam is awful, GOG is the perfect platform for a game like this.
Steam just takes games away.
Originally posted by Lord kagami (Grandchild of Luck):
Originally posted by Crabot:
Steam just takes games away.
after you already bought them? can you name any example of that actually happening?
Originally posted by Darth Revan:
Originally posted by Lord kagami (Grandchild of Luck):
Steam just takes games away.
after you already bought them? can you name any example of that actually happening?
I think he might just be clown farming
He has 187 clown awards
Himitsu 25 Jan @ 3:02pm 
Originally posted by Darth Revan:
The definitive edition of stronghold 1 sold more than 500k copies regardless

Wow, that's incredible!
Originally posted by Crabot:
Originally posted by Darth Revan:
after you already bought them? can you name any example of that actually happening?
I think he might just be clown farming
He has 187 clown awards
I'm not clown farming. I'm being REAL here..
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