The Big Catch

The Big Catch

spin 27 Jul @ 12:58pm
movement I didn't like or find intuitive. something i'm missing?
feels like wall running is super finnicky to an unintuitive degree. You run inyo the wall to preform it, but it seems like it takes into consideration your momentum or angle something down to such a small scale that the smallest turn one way or another could give you entirely different outputs. kinda feels like you need to be perfect angle wise which is rather difficult-to-impossible i've found. Best example is on the one section with all the grind rails, where you need to jump from a grind rail and wall run to get to a ledge. I perform the same operations necessary for it over and over and only sometimes does it work.

not being able to jump off of a swing is a little unintuitive to me as almost all if not all movement forms have a "jump" feature thats usually used as a cancel/combo feature. jump off grind rails or jump off poles, rope, etc. But for the hooks I swing off of, I need to either let go of the fishing hook or press it again? I understand that youre using your fishing rod for it, but I don't see how that argues against being able to jump off of it.

also, it feels like you can't get any momentum. Am i doing something wrong?? Nothing seems to help you get any momentum or faster movement, and if you do have momentum most of your abilities dont help you keep it or actively remove it. wall running slightly left or right of the perfect angle will kill your momenum, and just wall running period kills it, sliding doesnt keep momentum, running doesnt keep momentum. the game has such big areas and sometimes long portions of walking or moving and there is nothing you can do to increase your momentum, your character just feels a little slow or sluggish in my opinion. Am i doing something wrong?
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Showing 1-2 of 2 comments
Tarv 22 Aug @ 1:48pm 
It's not a deal breaker for me but the wall running allways feels like it never goes quite as far as I'd expect it too. Just short enough to throw me off
Last edited by Tarv; 28 Aug @ 9:18pm
Ikagura 22 Aug @ 5:54pm 
Originally posted by Tarv:
It's not a deal breaker for me but the wall running allways feels like it never goes quite as far as I'd expect it too. Just short enough to through me off
Yeah, gravity gets you rapidly.
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