Just a To the Moon Series Beach Episode

Just a To the Moon Series Beach Episode

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After years of waiting, I guess I finally got some closure...
... and none of my friends play these games, so I can't talk to anyone about it :steamsad:
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
Chrorbo 17 Jan @ 7:31am 
Yeah man I feel you.
Though I'd like to know: in what sense did it give you closure?
Because for me personally, while I loved the ending as it got me really emotional like no game before, I found it to be too depressing and left me longing for a more positive conclusion. Not that I want an ending where Neil lives , but something more positive than just Neil dies, Eva is sad, The End , especially considering that every game before ended on a bittersweet but generally more positive note.
Here's to hoping that the Last Hour RPG is going to provide such a conclusion, because I desperately need it :Hearthian_Cry:.
Originally posted by Chrorbo:
Yeah man I feel you.
Though I'd like to know: in what sense did it give you closure?

Yeah, it was sad and kinda depressing, but after so many years we finally know why Eva was using the machine and what ultimately happened to Neil. It had been eating me inside for so long and now at least we know what really happened.
Chrorbo 17 Jan @ 12:03pm 
Originally posted by Yang Xiao Long: Ace Attorney:
Yeah, it was sad and kinda depressing, but after so many years we finally know why Eva was using the machine and what ultimately happened to Neil. It had been eating me inside for so long and now at least we know what really happened.

Ah that's true of course, it did clear up all those loose ends from previous games. I just kinda wish it had done so in a less depressing light with at least some comforting layer for the player. I'm hoping that this is perhaps Kan Gao's plan, to give us something negative first to then lift us back up with something more positive. Because as it stands, I don't know if I could accept this as an ending to the whole series, with that final image of Eva hunched on the floor surrounded by darkness. Maybe I'm just in denial though, most people seem quite satisfied with this as the definitive end.
Marie 22 Feb @ 5:39am 
Same! I am so sad that this is the end. It feels like reading the last book in a long series and knowing there are no more.

I liked the ending. I have had to deal with loss and grief. Even if grief is so terribly sad, seeing Eva getting to say goodbye and get one final memory before moving on is so beautiful. Getting to say a proper goodbye is such a gift.

I imagined her staying on the beach for a while, saying goodbye and telling him what she had to. The story heavily implies her friends will be there for her when she needs it. I think in the end, she will be able to move on without clinging to regret or changing her memories.
Sun_S 22 Feb @ 5:54am 
Originally posted by Marie:
Even if grief is so terribly sad, seeing Eva getting to say goodbye and get one final memory before moving on is so beautiful. Getting to say a proper goodbye is such a gift.

I imagined her staying on the beach for a while, saying goodbye and telling him what she had to. The story heavily implies her friends will be there for her when she needs it. I think in the end, she will be able to move on without clinging to regret or changing her memories.

But ... she didn't get to say goodbye, at least not to the real Neil. The talk on the beach at night happens with a simulated Neil. Ot, well, we don't actually know what her last moments with real Neil looked like, other than apparently being terrible (she goes silent when the other Neil asks her what his real self was like in his last moments). That's a downside to this whole "it happens in a simulation, not reality" story framing that already made aspects of the other games unsatisfying.
But, of course, this may still be something that helps her to heal. And I agree, it looks like her friends will be there for her, and I do think she will manage to move on.
Marie 22 Feb @ 6:03am 
Originally posted by Sun_S:
But ... she didn't get to say goodbye, at least not to the real Neil. The talk on the beach at night happens with a simulated Neil. Ot, well, we don't actually know what her last moments with real Neil looked like, other than apparently being terrible (she goes silent when the other Neil asks her what his real self was like in his last moments). That's a downside to this whole "it happens in a simulation, not reality" story framing that already made aspects of the other games unsatisfying.
But, of course, this may still be something that helps her to heal. And I agree, it looks like her friends will be there for her, and I do think she will manage to move on.

Yeah, I guess it all depends on how we value/interpret the concept. If the memories are important/real to the person, then what they are doing as their job is a beautiful thing and her memories saying goodbye to Neil in the simulation will be healing and helpful. If it's only what happens in reality that matters then her conversation on the beach means nothing.

For me, she was given a rare second chance to be able to say goodbye. But with another interpretation I can see why it would seem empty.

To me it's kinda similar to people creating chatbots of their passed loved ones. It can be harmful if it's used as an escape, but it can also help people move on in their grief as they can "say" the things they need.
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