Yet Another Zombie Survivors

Yet Another Zombie Survivors

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Kalafiorek  [developer] 28 Oct, 2022 @ 2:12am
Feature Requests & Suggestions
We've always been open to players' feedback, so please share your thoughts on Yet Another Zombie Survivors!

Submit any suggestions and ideas you might have, either in this thread, on the forums, or on our Discord server.

We suggest using the dedicated forum on our Discord, as it will be easier for us to track player votes for each idea/feature request:

:fu_skull: :fu_skull:

PS also take a look at our Roadmap, as your request might already be on our to-do list:


Thank you!
Last edited by Kalafiorek; 14 Aug, 2023 @ 5:07am
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Showing 1-15 of 469 comments
Mischief 26 Jan, 2023 @ 2:50am 
Online coop possibly?
Kalafiorek  [developer] 30 Jan, 2023 @ 8:07am 
Originally posted by Mischief:
Online coop possibly?
Thanks for your suggestion!

We get this one a lot, so there's a real possibility we'll add one. For now, we concentrate on making an awesome single-player game first and foremost. Designing, programming & testing an online co-op mode(s) would move the game's release date by a big margin. When most of the game core features is ready, we might discuss the possibility, but I can't promise anything right now. We hope you understand!
Matheo 3 Feb, 2023 @ 11:01am 
Hello !

Just tested the demo, not played much because there is one thing that need a lot of work : performances. After just 2 minutes in, 60 fps was already ancient history, survived 6 minutes doing 40-50 fps. Not pleasant to play. If you create a game that spawns horde to handle, optimization is needed asap. (and/or more graphic settings)

i5 6600k ; 16gb ram ; 1070 gtx ; SSD

That's my main concern, otherwise it's promising and I'm sure it'll be fun.

Little suggestion : have an option to be able to manually activate lvl up (like in Soulstone survivors), instead of the force pause at each one.

Voilà, thanks for your time !
Nemesis Kane 3 Feb, 2023 @ 4:00pm 
Hi, i Just test the demo and WHAT A F***** HORDE GAME !! It's the kind i was looking for longtime. Every thing is in here: teamate, skill upgrade, lots of zombies, music, atmosphere, weapons, lots of zombies, easy to Understand and play, different game style, lots of zombies, weapons upgrade, and zombies too. Just the 2 coop player to add later and perfect.
With this game, you succeed to do one thing like in YAZD : player won't stop playing before doing better and better score. Congratulations guys. I can't wait to buy it, meanwhile i will play demo a lot.
Last edited by Nemesis Kane; 3 Feb, 2023 @ 4:01pm
Patr!ck 3 Feb, 2023 @ 5:48pm 
Just tested the demo, the performance is an issue when you have electric turret and gun turret at around 4 -5 minutes ...
BlackjackGT 3 Feb, 2023 @ 6:26pm 
A couple health and health meter suggestions:

Place a health meter on character model and/or the colored "circle on the ground" beneath our squad
I suggest this on every top-down/isometric shooter or Vampire Survivors genre game I play. Most of us play on 23"-30" or larger widescreen monitors. Unless you have independently moving eyeballs, there ain't no way we can keep swiveling our eyes to tiny health meters in the corner, top or bottom of the screen.

Put it on the character model (above/adjacent) or maybe turn the colored "ground circle" below the character/squad into a "draining HP meter" that gradually empties health color as we fight.

Indicate via GREEN Arrows on Screen Borders When a heart-healing pickup has dropped on the ground to help us find it
There seems no other way to heal in this game, so please at least make it easier to veer towards the heart health pickups, as you do with the Red screen border arrows for Upgrade Suitcases that have dropped off-screen.
BlackjackGT 3 Feb, 2023 @ 6:27pm 
I don't know if later upgrades offer this, but consider adding an "Active Movement Ability" to help us get out of trouble or stay out of a boss's attack range
Many other games in this flooding Vampire Survivors category/genre offer this. Usually with a cooldown period so you can't dash constantly.
BlackjackGT 3 Feb, 2023 @ 6:41pm 
I managed to reach 9 minutes 27 seconds or so in the demo finally. I just feel like after the last 5 minutes the only thing that seemed to work was panic-rushing along the border of the map every second. I dunno, maybe all Vampire Survivors games boil down to that? :D
NindieNation 3 Feb, 2023 @ 10:13pm 
Hey gang, just sat down to check out the game and lost my entire Friday night after playing for 3 hours and maxxing out everything available in the demo.

While I'm starting to wane on the 'survivors' trend (I've been playing a ton of them for channel coverage), I think the progression and squad system are unique enough for the game to stand apart - The feel of impact with the weaponry is great, too.

I'll reiterate a couple suggestions I saw in this thread and add a couple myself:
- Border indicators: Just like you have for the large/'boss' enemies and crates, I'd like to have the same thing for health.
- Health indicators: I agree that having a visual cue like a circle around the player's feet would be helpful. When I'm being chased, I have to take my eyes off the action to see if I can hang in the action for a second, or if I need to beeline to the nearest health.
- Progression detail: The Meta-Progression is unique and a differentiator, but I never quite understood the ranks with the characters. Seemed like as I leveled them up - even though they could only reach that first row of upgrades in the character select screen, that I would still unlock new weapons per character over time. I think this would be communicated much better via a hierarchy rather than "XP=Next row". I'd like to know when selecting a character exactly WHO will get WHAT next as it would help make short term decisions per run as I work towards the larger upgrades.
- New abilities: As I was unlocking characters, I was thinking about how cool it would be is certain combinations unlocked specific weapons and abilities. The engineer and tank could create the electrical turret that sets enemies ablaze, or the archer and pistol characters could create a helicopter strike that launched arrows to fan out wider...stuff like that. Like Chrono Trigger's tech system, but in this game ;)
- Other modifiers to character traits: Being able to add armor on top of health, revives, that kind of stuff would be beneficial. I'm guessing you've already got that cookin', but I didn't see much of it in the demo.
- Perks for smaller squads: I never really knew, as the player, if a team of 1 or 3 was ideal, but over time, just assumed the squad of 3 was the goal. Something that could really make this game unique in the genre would be to lean into the squad system, but when it comes time to select your 2nd or 3rd teammate, you were given the option to 'banish' them in exchange for a perk. For example, I only want the Tank and Engineer, so when I see the Archer show up, I have an option to remove her from any potential for the rest of that run, but in exchange I get a 20% buff to health...or even taking one of their traits permanently, ie - I can 'banish' the Engineer, but I get to add chain lightning to the Pistol. That would be a really fun and deeper level to the progression that allows people to go MinMax crazy.

Otherwise, great job! I wasn't expecting this, and even when launching the game I thought it was a twin-stick shooter (until I realized no buttons did anything in combat lol), so I was surprised to see this as the follow-up to what our channel picked as our #2 game of 2020 (Fury Unleashed).
I'm a bit concerned that you're late to the party. It's still going strong, but I highly doubt we see Reverse-Bullet-Hell (or whatever we're calling VS-Likes) be the talk of the town this December as we did LAST December.
That said, you've got just enough to be different, AND if the game launches for $5 or less, could still grab a large audience. I see the page lists the game with a Q2 release, so that's good. I know you're all working hard, but I'd be concerned for the game's opportunity if it pushed much further than the Summer.

Keep up the great work and best of luck heading into launch. I'd love to play more as the opportunity arises, and if we have the opportunity to show off YAZS on our channel, we'd love to!

Duhddy 4 Feb, 2023 @ 6:05pm 
The play style is too reliant on dying over and over early game to get money for power ups. This needs a rework somehow as it's just not fun having to die over and over until you get the upgrades to "enjoy" the game.

The power ups you get when you level up also needs a rework too imo....often times you get screwed for multiple levels with no upgrades for your main weapons even when maxed. It needs to work with you to have fun not against you for multiple levels as the enemies gets harder. I'd suggest giving at least 4 choices with at least 1 choice focused on max level power ups on main weapons to prevent the RNG factor that ruins the fun aspect. Or let the cases from bosses give guarantee max level main weapon upgrades...something to make it more fun and not RNG for multiple levels.

The class tank and the shotgun needs some rework on more damage based on reload maybe some more crazy pierce or spread idk. IMO they are the weakest fact you can just run assault and shock to prevent the extra tank class power ups from plaguing the already bad RNG level up choices.

I think there also needs to be more diverse power up options for the extra weapons not related to the main weapon like auto turrets/electro skills/mines etc...give it some AOE shock stun upgrades or mini gun turrets....more power ups for payers choosing to pick that considering you are already limited currently in what you can pick to end game around 10 mins so it's almost a no brainer to go main weapons as much as possible instead.

Some weapons IMO needs massive rework.
Sniper rifles are insanely weak and useless compared to assault rifle upgrade.
idk make it have a massive line pierce that kills all enemies in that direction if you are going to give it one long reload and shot. Doesn't have to be "realistic" go crazy with the skills like vampire survivors. I don't know how I feel about laser gun either it feels weird....

The zombie poison AOE can be hard to spot too when on's just hard to spot in general sometimes and you run into from time to time cause visuals.

Overall I'd like the game to be less punishing and rng heavy since it makes it frustrating to start over and over.
Go crazy with the skills so I can keep killing swarms of enemies like in vampire survivors so people can "feel" good about their play through and not frustration when they die.
This is just a little thing, but with the Tank he uses that pump shotgun, instead of using an animation of him loading a shell every shot, why not just have him lift the shotgun and rack the pump? Would look cool and we could get that shell popping out of there!

Probably already discussed elsewhere, but is dismemberment going to be a thing in this? Those sweet saw drones cutting them in half on kill would be super cool.
Good job in all, but performance optimizations should be first priority.
XIAO 7 Feb, 2023 @ 11:15pm 
This kind of game does not set a four-way boundary ah, it is very uncomfortable to play, the map is too small, it is good to make a map of the same repeated points, play this game is not to see the scenery, it is for the pleasure of brushing monsters, otherwise the zombies will be blocked and die directly. There is also a very strange way to brush monsters, generally this kind of game should not brush monsters on the face, too affect the player's next operation, play very urgently, no game experience. There is no linkage between the characters, each plays its own, there is no freshness, the early upgrade of the character has not been qualitatively improved, the difficulty of the game is high, but do not consider the player? Experiencing the levels made me vomit.
Bumpkin 8 Feb, 2023 @ 9:38am 
Great start so far, the gameplay loop feels really good compared to other Survivor clones I've tried. People complaining about 'starting over' and the early game difficulty are clearly new to this genre and their opinion should be taken with minimal seriousness. Thats literally a core gameplay loop for this genre of game and to say otherwise shows their lack of understanding. With that said here are my criticisms after unlocking everything.

Love the sound design so far, very impactful effects. I'm glad a dev understands the importance of sounds and visual eyecandy. The SWAT's helicopter ability sounds great but probably 10% too loud. The blades of a helicopter are loud for sure but in this game its borderline jumpscare in loudness compared to all other effects.

Huntress I can tell is still in early phase considering her death animation is a stiff fall over but with that in mind I'm hoping some work on her arm animations is still in progress. So far her bow animations are the only "jank" looking thing I've noticed and because of that it stands out more than it otherwise would.
Palandus 8 Feb, 2023 @ 2:14pm 
My suggestions from playing:

-> Eliminate the wait X seconds for it to appear. I much prefer the sawblades. Always active, and efficient. Instead replace it with a button, and let us summon the effect on demand, when we need it most.

-> Surprised no one carried grenades or used an AOE. Really could use an AOE.

-> The money mechanic wasn't well explained and made sense post game, but not during game. Especially when I'd level up and my money would reset to 0.

-> The magnet effect only grabs things on the field before you grab the pickup. So anything that spawns afterwards doesn't get snatched.

-> The attract range for items needs to be higher, as it is, I was missing grabbing things several times.

Otherwise great work. Wishlisted and followed.
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