Yet Another Zombie Survivors

Yet Another Zombie Survivors

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m4rcus 26 Jan @ 8:26am
main menu ads
stop showing them to me when i already paid for this game. what is the main menu, a myspace page? just stop, seriously.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
Kalafiorek  [developer] 27 Jan @ 3:29am 
Hi! Sorry about that. Similar to the Patch Notes window, we show trailers for games that are collaborating with us, as well as other games we've made or are currently working on.

You can look at these as an option to support us further if you'd like to; As we don't want to annoy anyone with these little teasers, you can quickly disable them by pressing the X button above them.

These videos may reappear when the game version changes, similar to the patch notes (they use the same system), but we always make them easy to disable, both with keyboard, mouse, and gamepads.
m4rcus 27 Jan @ 4:20am 
I must have bought and played the game between two of those versions then i guess. Because it felt like i X'd it and it reappeared the next time i started the game. I'm really not a fan of VIDEO content automatically playing for products i have no intrest in.

Drop all the ads on youi steam page/forum/whatever but the menu is not an adspace as long as you dont inform on that pre-buying your game.

edit: but thanks for answering. appreciate that.
Last edited by m4rcus; 27 Jan @ 4:22am
Edge 27 Jan @ 6:04am 
I don't mind them to be honest. They've done them in a very unobtrusive way, and it showed off games I had legitimate interest in, like Jotunnslayer appealing to fans of Survivors-likes, and Into the Underworld, appealing to fans of AGS. I hate ads as much as the next guy, but I still think supporting the little studios I care about is good.
m4rcus 27 Jan @ 7:49am 
hey im all here for it, for ppl that like that kind of sh..tuff. so give the other group an option to disable it permanently and we are all happy.
null 27 Jan @ 10:39am 
Originally posted by m4rcus:
stop showing them to me when i already paid for this game. what is the main menu, a myspace page? just stop, seriously.

I have a semi-permanent solution for you my guy. Find yourself a text editor like sublime text (https://www[.]sublimetext[.]com/) and look for "Opt_MenuVideoMode". What you want to do next is disable cloud save game for that game. Next, use the file explorer to find that file : "YAZSGameSaveFile .es3" and open it with the text editor.

The value would be set to 2 by default, change it to 1 like this
"Opt_MenuVideoMode" : {
"__type" : "int",
"value" : 1

Save the file, re-enable cloud save , do a manual sync and open the game. Voila, your problem is solved. By the way there is a bunch of other values there like it's possible to unlock everything, change your xp, points, whatever. Have fun
Last edited by null; 27 Jan @ 10:41am
Kalafiorek  [developer] 29 Jan @ 6:08am 
Hmm, strange, the "X" buttons should disable the video for it to not to reappear the next time the game is launched. We'll look into this.

Be careful with save editing though. While it's ok to change some settings-related values, especially when experiencing issues and/or troubleshooting the game not launching properly, it can also potentially brick your save file (which can be restored with backup files, thankfully) or make it so some achievements, especially the progression related ones, break, not awarding them properly when they should sometime in the future.
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