Yet Another Zombie Survivors

Yet Another Zombie Survivors

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NB 27 Jan @ 7:25pm
Could you make an open world game like this? lol
Half-kidding but you have something really good here...super clean, solid permanent progression, straightforward information, combat feels good, looks really nice.

I've been looking for isometric Diablo-like games and end up trying 2-4 auto-hordes demos every week when I come across them, and I think this one is my favorite (even over the current top titles in the genre).
Last edited by NB; 27 Jan @ 7:32pm
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Showing 1-8 of 8 comments
The first diablo-like ARPG game that includes this formula of gameplay will be a big winner. This genre has something special with its gameplay and it really just needs to be advanced from arcadey segments into a full rpg structure. Confident it's coming though
m4rcus 28 Jan @ 3:42am 
uhm, you guys should try path of exile 2 and the mercenary class especially. it plays like a twin stick shooter and the progression, yeah its POE, it couldnt be better. content isnt on the level of the first game yet but its more than what this game has to offer.
Last edited by m4rcus; 28 Jan @ 3:43am
NB 28 Jan @ 4:55am 
But POE2 doesn't seem slow and tedious to you in comparison? There are times for it and others like Grim Dawn/Last Epoch/etc for their builds and data complexity, but I mostly end up playing Diablo IV because of how fluid and fantastic the combat is (just wish they would get more creative with the skills and combinations).

YAZS was immediately fun, just feels right...but there is only so much auto-hordeing in circles that I can do.
m4rcus 28 Jan @ 5:54am 
i dont think you have had a build come together yet in poe2 if you think its slower or less fluid than d4. the beginning might be, especially if you dont know what you are doing but by now even poe2 has a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ of build guides you can follow 1:1 to learn the game.

playing poe2 with wasd is just a whole other world of satisfying. in the end you are blasting harder than any combination of ♥♥♥♥ in this game can make you do ^^
Last edited by m4rcus; 28 Jan @ 6:02am
NB 28 Jan @ 6:28am 
Well, it's funny because before I played it I saw many reviews were saying that and I was thinking, "They aren't giving it enough time."...but I ended up agreeing; POE is just not for me.

And I play D4 with only WASD, so satisfying, it's the only way to play these games but we're probably in the minority.
Originally posted by Black Out:
The first diablo-like ARPG game that includes this formula of gameplay will be a big winner. This genre has something special with its gameplay and it really just needs to be advanced from arcadey segments into a full rpg structure. Confident it's coming though

Dwarven Realms (Sort of)
Originally posted by Ironman_Isomer:
Originally posted by Black Out:
The first diablo-like ARPG game that includes this formula of gameplay will be a big winner. This genre has something special with its gameplay and it really just needs to be advanced from arcadey segments into a full rpg structure. Confident it's coming though

Dwarven Realms (Sort of)
Reported for recommending some mixed-review grind slop
Open world ARPG , that would be awesome in my opinion. Maybe they have it in the works already. But at the moment, i just want more maps and 2 new characters would be cool. But in the future, yes a ARPG Open world game, random color loot, etc.
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