Yet Another Zombie Survivors

Yet Another Zombie Survivors

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Questions regarding chemical damage.
Is chemical damage affected by ability damage/weapon damage tags in any way?

The listed flat numbers are rather small when you do difficulty 3 endless runs. 40 damage (random number chosen) a second, for instance, isn't going to do a lot to the charger with tens of thousands of health.

Can the damage stack? IE, it only does the 40 damage a second, but you can stack multiple instances of it on the same enemy.
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Kalafiorek  [developer] 31 Jan @ 2:49am 
Hi! Currently, chemical damage is scaled by an equation:
  • Damage = (15 + Tags * 3) * (Chemical Damage modifier)
Damage does not stack on itself. We'll be improving the calculations for version 0.8 so that Weapon and Ability Damage is also taken directly into the equation, which should help a lot in the later stages of each run. Sorry for the confusion caused, but thank you for pointing that out.
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