Tower! Simulator 3

Tower! Simulator 3

Microphone in game not working.
The Microphone works in Windows 10, and also works through Steam microphone test.

But, doesn’t work in the game.

Also - where is the “ Tower Recog “ setting located , I can’t seem to find it.

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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
lilla_FeelThere  [developer] 24 Jan @ 4:31am 
Hi! Did you check this discussion:

The Tower recog should be searchable if you type it in the windows search bar, or under the sound / advanced sounds settings if you are looking for the application. Just make sure that you are the admin, so you open or start it in admin mode.
Davinci 24 Jan @ 5:02am 
Apologies if I’m not understanding this, but typing in Tower Recog - only takes me to a online help suggestions.

I thought that there were a Setting somewhere that requires a Check-Mark beside it to activate.

I think that I saw it in one of the videos online.

As stated above , the Microphone works everywhere except in the game, so I’m doing something wrong.

lilla_FeelThere  [developer] 24 Jan @ 10:13am 
Yes, I apologize, my instruction was not clear. You'd find this either in the Pirvacy&Security > Microphone setting or in the advanced sound settings. You can check wether the speech recognition has access to this Tower recog. application, or maybe firewall has it blocked.

It's possible that your D drive needs administrator rights where the game is saved/stored? I understand you are the admin of your own computer, but sometimes a drive can have it restricted. You can check by right clicking the drive, select properties, then choose the security tab. In this window, make sure all checkmarks are set to Allow.

If it doesn't help, we'd need to check your log file. Please could you upload your TS3 log file in a ticket on discord or a support ticket?

To obtain your log file:
Press Windows key and R
In the "Run" dialog, enter: "%appdata%..\LocalLow"
Double click the 'FeelThere Inc_' folder to open it
Double click the 'Tower! Simulator 3' folder to open it

You will now see two log files being:


Davinci 24 Jan @ 11:35am 
Thank You.
I will check this after work today.
I appreciate the Helpful tips that you have provided.
Davinci 24 Jan @ 7:39pm 
@ lilla_FeelThere - The Microphone Error was completely my fault.

I used the ( 0 ) Key on the Numbpad for the "PushtoTalk" Button in the Steam Settings.

It was only after looking at the Game Settings that I changed it to one of the Default Keys.

Microphone is Now Working in the Game.

Hopefully, this is help someone else having problems !

Thanks, for the assistance.
lilla_FeelThere  [developer] 26 Jan @ 11:48am 
Thanks for the heads up!
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