Tower! Simulator 3

Tower! Simulator 3

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
lilla_FeelThere  [developer] 15 Jan @ 6:08am
HELP post for voice / speech recognition setup
There was major sound update recently that changed a few speech settings within Windows, which could be causing problems with the game speech recognition feature.

1. Please check if the default mic remained the same that you set before the update (Settings/Sound). It is important to know, that the game uses your default mic or headphones that you set inside the sound settings.
2. In the menu Settings/Speech please make sure the online speech recognition is OFF.
3. Turn off the voice activated microphone setting (Settings/Privacy).
4. Under Control Panel sound settings, go to Microphone/Properties/Custom make sure all effects off.

After you download language English (United States) as additional language in Windows. Then you need to install Basic and Advanced speech for that language. You can do so by clicking on the 3 dots that are behind the mentioned language and then select 'language options' Then under "Speech recognition" you can select to download and install Basic and Advanced. That is an extra step if you haven't done so yet.

A couple other things you can do / check:
* is the microphone working in Windows?
* is the microphone set as primary input device in Windows?
* could there be other devices connected that could act as a microphone?
* have you done the voice recognition training?
* do you hear a sound when pressing the Push To Talk (PTT) button and does the bar come up at the top of your screen?
* have you tried restarting (not off/on, but a restart) your computer?
* are you running the game with admin rights or as administrator?

Disable 'microphone(s)' you don't want/need to use: Go to: Control panel Then to: Sound Then to tab: Recording Right click on the Device(s) you don't need and select 'Disable'

Training the computer: Go to Control Panel -> Ease of Access -> Speech Recognition -> Train your computer to better understand you

Go to steps below to see if permission needs to be given: === === W11: Settings > Privacy & Security > App permissions > Microphone

Voice recognition set up:
Last edited by lilla_FeelThere; 21 Jan @ 1:16am
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Showing 1-4 of 4 comments
sag032 18 Mar @ 7:58am 
Is this 'help' also available in other languages ? Tried to translate via Google but that did not give the results i need. I have a Dutch Windows OS. Watched the vid made by Chazz but his OS is different then mine.
srosdo 18 Mar @ 1:42pm 
It isn't available in another language, but will be more than happy to help you out. Let me know what I can do for you.
sag032 20 Mar @ 4:09am 
I can't find the settings shown in the YT video, so i have no idea how to adjust the settings on my laptop (WIN10). I tried translating with google but for some reason the results don't line up with what the video shows.
srosdo 21 Mar @ 6:27am 
Let me know what information you will need and I will try to get it to you.
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