Tower! Simulator 3

Tower! Simulator 3

[ERROR IN GAME] when a plane lands I get a message saying handle plane first at gate
Hi can someone help me here please I think its an error, when ever I tell a landed plane to taxi to terminal the plane always says "A departing airplane is blocking the gate handle that plane first' but there is no plane at any of the gateways can someone help me fix this. I restarted the game but still getting the error message I end up having to delete the plane once its landed. Thank you
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Showing 1-10 of 10 comments
Davinci 19 Jan @ 1:27pm 
I just started playing, mostly play on the New York airport.

Does the same thing happen at all of the airports, or just the one that you are currently playing on ?
I'm not to sure I downloaded and paid for the London airport I live in the UK and wanted to play within the same country could that be the problem? I also always get an error on planes when loading into the game. Its very frustrating and the game is not playable for me currently.
Davinci 19 Jan @ 1:39pm 
I only have the Default airports , none of them are in the U.K.

Try playing on a different airport.
lilla_FeelThere  [developer] 20 Jan @ 2:55am 
Originally posted by wackywarrior07:
Hi can someone help me here please I think its an error, when ever I tell a landed plane to taxi to terminal the plane always says "A departing airplane is blocking the gate handle that plane first' but there is no plane at any of the gateways can someone help me fix this. I restarted the game but still getting the error message I end up having to delete the plane once its landed. Thank you

Hi, I need to ask for your game log file, so we can see if its game error/bug to fix. You can send it to us on Discord server support ticket, or to and just reference this discussion please. Thank you
lilla_FeelThere  [developer] 20 Jan @ 2:59am 
Originally posted by wackywarrior07:
I'm not to sure I downloaded and paid for the London airport I live in the UK and wanted to play within the same country could that be the problem? I also always get an error on planes when loading into the game. Its very frustrating and the game is not playable for me currently.

Error on planes? What exactly is the error? Is it loading the planes with an add-on, or are you giving commands without response? I'd be happy to help, however I need further details to guide you better. Thanks
Hi I have a ticket open currently on the discord page. Can send you the number if there is one? I also sent over a screen shot of what errors I get
Can you direct me how to send over the log info please? I am not very computer savey sorry
lilla_FeelThere  [developer] 24 Jan @ 4:32am 
Thank you! Rob is helping you on Discord with troubleshooting and fixing.
To obtain your log file:
-Press Windows+R
-In the "Run" dialog, enter "%appdata%..\LocalLow"
Look for a "FeelThere_" folder and a "Tower! Simulator 3" folder inside it. There you will find the log file (Player.log).

You can send it over to him on Discord. Thank you
I have this issue too I had 3 aircraft blocking gates, there is nothing blocking them!!!! They refuse to move.
Grunt 1 Feb @ 3:36am 
This problem/bug has been ongoing since March 2023 maybe before then, has for
when it will be fixed l would say never.

Just my opinion.
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